Time skip - Evening

Steven opens his bindle, preparing to eat his food, when the raccoon from before suddenly jumps in and attacks Steven again, while Amethyst watches.

Steven: "Aah! Aah! The raccoon is back!" The raccoon eats all of Steven's food and runs away. "Um, Amethyst? Can I have some of your food?"

Amethyst: devours all of her food in one go "Oh, uh, sorry dude."

Steven: "My bindle couldn't fit enough food for me and a raccoon."

Amethyst: "Why didn't you bring your backpack?"

Steven: "It wouldn't fit in my bindle?" climbs onto a hay stack "Maybe I can just sleep this hunger off... Just like the No home Boys. You know, I feel like I've been misled about hay. It always looks so soft in those illustrations, but it's actually really scratchy."The boxcar rumbles a bit, and another hay stack falls on top of him. "Amethyst, I want to go home now." sees Amethyst sitting at the boxcar doorway, ignoring him "Amethyst?" goes and sits next to her "I'm done pretending to be a No Home Boy."

Amethyst: "Not me."

Steven: "I'm sure Garnet and Pearl are worried sick about us. Wondering when we're coming home. Also, Dragonstone will definitely find us, I don't know how he does it."

Amethyst: "That's not my home."

Steven: "But— Oh, that's right. You're from Homeworld."

Amethyst: angrily "That's not my home either!"

Steven: "Then where are you from?"

Amethyst: "I'll show you."

Prime Kindergarten

Amethyst brings Steven to a foggy, desolate canyon.

Amethyst: "Here we are!" chuckles "Welcome to the Kindergarten! What do you think?"

Steven: "Uh... It's great!"

Amethyst: "Sure is!" grabs Steven's arm "Come on!" Amethyst drags Steven along and they start walking through the Kindergarten. Steven looks up and see several machinery hanging on the walls of the canyon.

Steven: "What is this place?"

Amethyst: "It's kinda where I'm from."

Steven: "But I thought Gems were from space?"

Amethyst: "Dragonstone, Pearl and Garnet are, but I was made here on Earth, like you!"gasps "Check it out!" runs to a giant rock and laughs "Oh, man. I missed this guy. Aww! It's my climbing rock."

Steven: to the climbing rock "Uh, hello!"

Amethyst: points to off-screen rocks "And over there, that's the sitting rock. And that was the one rock that I kicked into two rocks!" climbs the climbing rock and sits atop it

Steven: "Uh, how long did you live here?"

Amethyst: "For a while, Dragonstone and I stayed here. He was the one who taught me all this stuff." she smiled thoughtfully before her smile dropped "Until Pearl, Garnet and Rose showed up. When they came all he did was want to protect the earth and stopped paying attention to me."

Steven: "What? Dragonstone knew you before you became crystal gems?"

Amethyst: "There's a LOT you don't know about, Dragonstone. He's more than just a gem who's crazy strong." She clenched her fist "He found me here and tried to help me, he was the only one who wanted me to be happy...we were gonna go home together..."

Steven Universe: DragonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now