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Percy hadn't been gone for long before he snuck back into the room a finger held up to his lips telling them to stay silent. He pointed towards the basement door signalling for the three of them to follow his down. 

Ray took a step closer to Grover, staring into the darkness. She'd never been a fan of the dark she much preferred being able to feel the warm glow of the sun on her skin, it made her feel safe. She looked back towards the door tugging on Grover's coat sleeve to get him to stop walking when she heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor at the top of the steps. 

The door creaked open and a trail of flame came from each side of the steps spreading around the room. Ray spun round watching it fill every corner of the room leaving a dark glow across the walls, it flickered and moved towards the group, she jumped backwards her eyes widening when she spotted a stone statue directly infront of her, a fearful look on its face.

"Come on." Annabeth grabbed her arm leading her and the boys towards the back of the room.

Grover gently grabbed ahold of Ray's hand, whether it was because he could sense her panic or just because he was scared himself Ray wasn't sure, but she was glad he did. "There's three of us and only one of her. If we split up, she can't be watching us all at once."

"I don't think it'd be that simple." Annabeth shook her head.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Ray immediately jumped to Grover's defence, she just wanted to get out of her and back into the daylight, and if that meant following some plan Grover had come up with in the spur of the moment, she'd gladly do it.

"Thank you Ray," Grover muttered before turning back to the other two, "And it could be that simple. Here's the plan. I'll get in the air, I'll draw her attention. As son as you hear me say 'Maia' you guys start-" And with that he took off. His red flying converse lifting him up into the air and further into the room.

Annabeth and Percy stood watching him in shock whereas Ray had slowly moved after him trying to pull him back towards the ground until his hand slipped from hers and she was left alone. She turned around her eyes squinting into the darkness but she could no longer see the pair, "Annabeth? Percy? Where'd you go?"

She moved forwards unsure which way she going anymore, the only sound she could hear was the loud thumping of her own heartbeat. She wandered if Medusa could hear it too and was following the sound right to her. She shook her head ignoring the thought, that would be impossible.

"Grover?" She whispered, moving her arms around the area around her trying not to crash into anything that could give away where she was. The darkness felt as if it was moving closer, ready to eat her whole.

She stopped moving, finding a corner to hide in and sinking down to the floor, pulling her knees up infront of her, her eyes darting around in every direction. Maybe if she sat there long enough someone would come and find her. 

"Nova." Ray froze her hands shaking at her side as she pulled nervously on the sleeve of her jumper. That wasn't Grover or Percy or Annabeth. She closed her eyes tightly, shuffling as far back into the corner as she could hoping that Medusa would just leave her alone, "I know you understand what I was talking about. It isn't fair what your father is doing to you and I understand what you are going through." 

Her voice drifted closer until it was almost right infront of her, "We could teach him a lesson... together. Prove them all how wrong they are. Just open your eyes.

Ray shook her head holding her hands over her ears. She wanted to be back at camp half-blood where she didn't have anything to worry about. She could sit down by the water with Grover and eat as many raspberries as she wanted and listen to him read to her. She didn't want to listen to medusa anymore, she wanted to go home.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a sudden squeal and Grover's voice as he yelled out, "I didn't really think this through!" She guessed he must have crashed into something then, going by the loud crash that came next, but she didn't dare open her eyes.

Unsure of what was happening Ray stayed tucked up in the corner, she could hear Annabeth and Percy's voices and a sudden swish of a sword shortly followed by a wet squelching noise that rolled across the floor landing somewhere infront of her. She still didn't lower her arms from her ears or open her eyes.

She wasn't sure how long she had been sat there in silence, it had been at least five miniutes, but she'd felt someone sit besides her a while ago. They hadn't said anything, just waited. She slowly opened her eyes looking towards them finding comfort in Grover's warm brown eyes. He slowly wrapped an arm around her shoulder as if he was waiting for her to move away from him. She didn't.

"It's okay. She's gone." He muttered pulling the girl into his side, rubbing her arm soothingly as she melted into the embrace.

authors note:
I promise I will have a longer chapter out soon, i just haven't had a lot of time to write recently.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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