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Percy didn't see Ray again that evening, and he hadn't seen her all day - which he was kinda thankful for - up until Luke had taken him to the archery range to see what he was good at. He was surprised to see just how good at archery Ray was, she hit the middle of the target every time. 

She'd walked over to him when she noticed him having a go himself, trying to show him how to properly stand and how to aim. But the second he'd let go of the bowstring, he'd lost his balance and missed the target entirely almost hitting a group of nearby campers. Ray took the bow off him after that.

It was the day of the camp capture the flag, Ray stood on Annabeth's side as always, not that she was planning on being much help, but Annabeth always made sure she was on her side. Ray guessed it was just to save her from the torture of having to work with Clarisse.

The second the conch shell sounded Ray ducked behind a nearby rock waiting until the rest of her team left to do their jobs before running off back towards camp. She was hoping to have a clear path all the way back to camp, her and Grover had panned to meet up outside Hermes cabin so they could finally fill each other in on what had happened while he was gone. 

But just as she thought she'd made it she stumbled upon Percy sat on a rock surrounded by Clarisse and some other kids from the ares cabin. They all turned to look at her as she stumbled into the clearing, waving awkwardly when she noticed everyone looking at her, "You guys seem busy, i'll just be... back that way."

She went to walk away only to be tugged backwards by the back of her collar and shoved beside Percy in the mud "I don't think so, I warned you if I saw you in these woods there's be hell to pay." She turned her head towards Percy, "I'm actually not interested in maiming or killing you, believe it or not. I just want you to admit you're a fraud. It'd make me feel better, you feeling up to that yet?"

Percy looked towards Ray panic written all over his face, "You've been here longer than I have, any ideas?" 

"Yeah," Ray nodded pushing herself upright, "Running."

And with that she was gone running away from him, Percy watched for a few seconds before decided that running away may work better than anything he'd have come up with. He rushed after her.

"Where are we going?" Percy yelled trying to keep up with her, his sword and shield weighing him down.

"I don't know." Ray answered honestly glancing back towards him slowing down only slightly to allow him to catch up, "Away from her?"

Another Ares kid suddenly appeared besides them, using his shield to push the two down the kill besides them. Ray landed on the stone beach bellow her with a painful crack as her head whacked against a rather large stone.

She lifted her hand feeling the blood on her forehead, before quickly grabbing her bow and arrows and shuffling backwards and out of the way, she felt bad for leaving Percy to deal with Clarisse and the others on his own, but a bow isn't much help in a close combat situation.

She watched as Percy fought until Clarisse's spear got caught behind his shield, he pulled away and the spear split in two with a loud crack. Ray winced as Clarisse charged towards him, her eyes widened and before she could stop herself she'd stood up grabbing her bow, and an arrow landed exactly where Clarisse was about to step only a second later. 

She raised her bow aiming it straight at Clarisse who stared back at her, anger burning in her eyes as she glared at the girl. Ray wasn't sure what she was supposed to do next, she couldn't just shoot Clarisse. Luckily, she didn't have to find out as the conch shell blew again and Luke came running through the trees out onto the beach, the rest of the blue team following behind him, cheering loudly as he dug the red flag into the ground.

"Not bad hero." Ray watched in confusion as Annabeth took off her cap from her mother, walking towards Percy. Had she been here the whole time?

Percy seemed to be thinking the exact same thing, "Were you here the whole time?" his voice cracked as he tried his best to blink away the tears in his eyes.


"You were here the whole time and you didn't help us?"

"Yes." Annabeth answered.


Annabeth held a hand out helping Percy up from his position on the floor, "Listen... Percy. I'm sorry." And with that she harshly pushed the boy backwards. Percy stumbled backwards landing in a heap in the water behind him.

"What is wrong with you?" Percy yelled in disbelief. Ray had to admit, as much as she liked Annabeth and respected her, she was a little confused on why she felt like this was the right time to be shoving Percy around.

But before Ray could question Annabeth about what she was doing, she watched in shock as the cuts on Percy's arms and face started healing themselves. Percy had realised it too, "I don't understand."

Annabeth looked above Percy's head a faint smile appearing on her lips. Ray followed where the other girl was looking, only to find a hologram of green light in the shape of a trident spinning slowly above his head.

"Your dad's calling." Annabeth smiled.

Ray looked on shocked, she hadn't really expected Percy to be claimed so fast, especially by someone so powerful.

"You have been claimed by Poseidon, Earth-shaker, Storm-bringer. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon."

Authors note:
Not any Grover and Ray content this chapter but I promise there's more coming soon

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