十一°• Girlfriends

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"A celebration?"

The man in front of her nodded, taking a drag of the cigarette between his chapped lips. Smoke ascended up into the already dusted air slowly, swirling like patterns of the waves in the cold sea.

The sea. That was the colour of his beautiful eyes.

Hanabi always loved Chuuya's eyes.

Theirs were ones that reminded her of the most beautiful sky, the kind she would lose her head in for hours on ended, drawing in her own messy thoughts.

Or maybe she just had a serious mental issue of delusions.

"Oh! I always wanted to wear a cute dress!"

The woman sitting beside her exclaimed, her cheeks dusted pink. She possessed the most beautiful ebony hair, so thick and long that it reached her waist. But now, all that was tied into a rather spiky ponytail. Her porcelain features were disguised under a white mask, only leaving her sparkling grey eyes to see.

But if Hanabi had to be honest here, Gin Akutagawa was the most beautiful woman she had ever stumbled upon. More beautiful than every star in the sky, Gin was like sapphire stones that shone brightly in the dimest caves.

I wonder which Akutagawa I should take?

Hanabi read the summarized version of the celebration event that was about to take place. Their last huge mission had gone a success, unsurprisingly. As such, Mori felt nice enough to reward them this time, for once.

Her eyes scaned over every word written quickly. Right now, Chuuya, her, Gin, Tachihara were all lazing in the lounge. Surprisingly, the Port Mafia Headquarters possessed one that was not only spacious and aesthetic, but also one of Hanabi's favourite places to waste her time. Akutagawa had refused to join them even though Hanabi had practically wanted to drag his ass over, instead deciding to go complete a mission a Tokyo. Obviously, Higuchi just had to trail him all the way there.

"A party? Like a ball?"

"Yeah, the kind where girls wear gowns and guys dress in suits. Sounds cliche, to be fair."

Chuuya replied. His orange hair fell over his face in locks, and the corners of his mouth curved upwards into a smile.

"And we're invited. It's just on Friday, four days ahead of now. I'll have to start deciding on what to wear," he continued, taking the slip from her and reading it himself.


Hanabi started, her eyes smiling.

"I'm sure you'll look great, no matter what you wear."


"Though I'll prefer it if you wear nothing at all."

Hanabi said with a sly wink and a teasing grin.


"Wait," Tachihara interupted. "It says here that all members of the Port Mafia are invited. Even those outside of the last mission."

His orange hair, different from Chuuya's but unique in its very own way, spiked out in all directions. A bandage adorned his face, and his features seemed to be sharper than a knife.

"All? Wow, Mori must be in a good mood then."

Chuuya stated, brushing his hair out of his face with a gloved hand.

"To be fair, this must've been Elise's idea. The last time I hung out with her, she was babbling away about princesses and balls."

Hanabi recalled, a finger on her chin. Then, the corners of her mouth curved into a smile.

"Well, I guess I ought to thank her then."


"Doesn't this colour look pretty?"

Higuchi gushed over a beautiful blue dress she had bought. The colour was of the afternoon sky, and the gown was laced with a floral pattern, the skirt ending right before her knees and puffed out.

Her, Gin and Hanabi was all crashing at Gin's room. Currently, there was only a few hours before the actual event.

It was honestly a shock for Hanabi that Gin's room, was so, well... princess pink. Literally everything was consumed in that feminine cloud of colour, from the carpets, curtains to her bed sheets. It was definately a contrast to Gin's usual look during missions.

"It does. Brings out the colour of your eyes too."

Hanabi replied. She held a hair straightener in her righr hand, and a lock of her hair in the other. Clipping her hair in between it, she heard the sizzling sound of the heat erupt and faint smoke spawn. She had been curling her hair as a attempt to do a 90's blowout, and it was going well, surprisingly.

Gin look exceptionally fine today. Instead of a dress, she adorned a sexy suit. Her hair, in a half-up and half-down style, was braided and curled into a messy bun on top, and she let loose of the rest of hair. Hanabi had helped her with her makeup, giving her a smoky eye look with a long eyeliner wing.

"Same goes for you, Hanabi," Gin said, grinning.

Hanabi giggled in return. She was definatey satisfied with herself tonight. Her dress, the same shade as her eyes, was absolutely breathtaking. It accelerated her body shape, enhancing the waist and flared out towards the bottom. The top was the illusion type, laced.

And together, the three girls looked like the front cover of a vogue magazine. Absolutely divine, sculpted by the finest of angels and sent straight from the heavens above.

And Hanabi had made sure that eyes would be on them tonight.

Her line of thoughts was broken by soft taps on the mahogany door. The trio looked at each other, as if to guess who was behind it.

"Oh, it must be my brother," Gin finally said, standing up and brushing back a strand of her hair. She strode towards the door and opened it, only allowing a tiny creak in the opening.

"Are you ladies done?"

That was Chuuya's voice Hanabi heard, as she did the last bit of her hair.

"Just, um, a bit more and we'll be out," Gin replied, shutting the door quickly.

"The limo is already here-!"

Chuuya voice was cut off by the sound of the door slamming shut. Gin then turned to the pair, a smirk on her delicate face.

"Well, ready to steal the show, babes?"

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