Chapter 11

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"They all lit fire" Kenta said. "Looks like you found your future partner's" She told them. She removed everything on the table. "Now what Is my pay?" She said. "Wow. I never thought I would find my partner. North said. "Life is full of surprises" Kamala said. "Is this enough?" Kenta said taking out the gemstones. "Aaaa, a tourmaline and jasper. Very precious stones." Kamala said taking one and examining it. "Will you accept them?" Pete said. "I will accept them, thank you" she said taking them. "Thank you, we will be going" Babe said thanking her. When Kenta and Babe were standing up from their chairs. "Wait here" Kamala. Then everyone stand up waiting for Kamala to come back. She when to a room. She came back with a small container. "Here" she said. Offering it to Babe.

"What's in it?" He said not sure if to take it or not. "It's teas and flower petals. Helps with stressed and sickness" She said making Babe take it. "Thank you" He said. Kamala smiled at them when they were leaving. As she saw them leave she thought to herself "They don't know what's ahead of them. They will have to fight for the love they want. Hope they find out soon" she said grabbing a pen and paper. She knew something was going to happen between the creatures and humans that would change forever.

When they were walking back to Kenta's house, they were talking. "So what are we going to do?" Pete said. "Well I don't know about you but I'm happy" North said. Alan slapped the back of this head. "Of course you are" Alan said. "Now we just need Kenta and Babe to met Charlie and Kim" North said. "Yea, how are we going to do that?" Pete said. "Mmm maybe we can have Sonic, Way, and Jeff with us, while Charlie and Kim are with you" North said. "Would that work?" Alan said not really sure. "We can try" Pete said. "Where would we take them?" Alan said. They all began to think about it.

Charlie was working on making Thai green curry. It looked like many people wanted it today. Charlie was working when one of his coworkers entered the kitchen with an order. He yelled " We need two Thai green curry's ". He said entering and then leaving. "Wow more? This is crazy". One of the chefs handling vegetables said. "Yea, looks like we'll be here for a while" His friend said helping him. Charlie sometimes talked to someone at work but they were at a wedding. They took the day off to go. "Lucky him. He gets to have fun and eat cake while we're serving food". One of his coworkers said laughing. "Yea it's pretty sad for us." His coworker's friend said. "We're too broke to attend a wedding and to host one" The coworker said. "And no parter too" His friend laughed at him. He bumped him on his shoulder for him to keep working. Charlie was having fun listening to there conversations.

Kim came back to see a mess of the kitchen. He stepped inside and heard a noice in the kitchen. "What happened!" He said looking at the kitchen filled with ingredients spilled on the counters. And half chopped vegetables on the tables. Sonic was sitting down cutting vegetables with a knife. "Sonic are you the only one here?" He said as Sonic was cutting veggies. "No, Way and Jeff are here. Im just helping with the veggies". He said continuing to chop the vegetables. "So we're are they?". Kim said looking around. "Oh they're cooking the stuff outside." Sonic said. "What for?" Kim said still confused. "Oh to cook it and then eat it" Sonic said. Kim was tired and he didn't understand how the hell they planned to cook it outside. "Just tell me when you finish so I can eat it". He said going upstairs to his bedroom. "Okay" Sonic said continuing to chop his vegetables.

Way and Jeff were outside with shrimps on the pan. They got it over a a fire and something to hold the pan. "Do you think Sonic cutting the veggies is a good idea?" Jeff said. "Why? You think Sonic is going to kill somebody?" Way said sarcastically. "No, but he might himself" Jeff said. Way was focused on flipping the shrimp with the the egg. "Can you check if he's done?" Way said adding flat rice noodles to it. Jeff then walked inside and saw him. "Are you done, Way wants them?" Jeff said wanting to take them. He was done cutting the garlic chives and shallots. "Im done". Sonic said placing the knife down. "Good" Jeff said taking them and heading outside. Sonic stood up grabbing the bean sprouts, scallops, and basil and went outside. "Here" Jeff said placing the veggies Sonic chopped next to Way. "Where's the rest of the ingredients? Did Sonic eat them?" Way said knowing it was a possibility. "I didn't eat them Way, that's mean" Sonic said coming and placing them down too. "Oh opps, I guess they survived" Way said. "When is it going to be done?" Sonic said hungry. "Why don't you play with Jeff. I'll call you when it's done. Okay?" Way said placing the veggies in. Jeff walked away from them into the house when he heard that. "He left" Sonic said sadly. "Then play by yourself" Ways said pouring in soy sauce, brown sugar, rice wine vinegar, and fish sauce. Sonic didn't want to do that either. Way was thinking of how to get him away from him.

"Why don't you pick flowers around the house and I will turn them into a bracelet" Way said. "Really?" Sonic said. "Yea. I call you when I'm done" Way said focusing so the food doesn't burn. Sonic smiled and left to pick some flowers. Now Way had peace and quiet. Sonic forgot to tell Way that Kim was already here. 

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