Chapter 10

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Kenta was giving directions since he was the only one who knew where the cottage was. "Are we almost there?" North saying it to annoy Kenta. "Almost, we're just going to take a corner" Kenta said. There was a cottage. The walls were white and crumbling. The roof liked like it was patched with wood and painted black. It smelled like flowers and grass. Kenta knocked on the door. A voice of a woman told them to come in. They all walked on and saw her sitting in front of a crystal ball. "Hello welcome" She said. "Take a seat" she said that then appeared 5 chairs. "They sat down in front of her. "So what can I do for you" She said with a smile. "We're here to know about some people" Babe said. "Aaa, interesting. Well before that why are you hunters interested?" She said still smiling. "I assumed you already knew who we were" Pete said. "I like knowing a bit of who my customers are" She said. "Well can we know you since you know us?" North said. "Will I be captured if I don't?" She answered. "No, that was not our intention in coming here" Alan said. "Great. I'm Kamala and I will tell you what you want to know" She said.

"Do you have a rank?" Babe asked. "Everyone does, it's just how it is" She said. "What rank are you?" Kenta asked. "I tell you after. "Can you tell me now what you came here for" She said. "Well we just want to know our love life" North said. Kamala looked at them for a few seconds. "All of you?" She asked. "Yea" Alan said. "Mmm do you have anyone in mind that could be your lovers?" She asked them all. "Yea we actually do" Kenta said. "Great, can I have there names?" Kamala said. "Charlie, Way, Jeff, Sonic, and Kim" Pete said. "Alright thank you". She said getting up and going to grab something. She grabbed a candle and some flowers and leaves. "Let me take a look, can I have your hands out" She said placing the stuff down and the crystal ball glowed. They each placed their hand out as she asked. She grabbed the flowers and placed them in North and Alan's hand. One was orange and the other was red. In Babe, Pete and Kenta's hands she placed a leaf. They were autumn colors. Babe was a brownish orange. Pete had a bright red. As they were going to close their hands she said " don't close them". They stoped as soon as they heard her.

They all looked at what they had in their hands. "Do the flowers and leaves represent something?" Pete said. "They do, would you like to know?" Kamala said. "Yes" They all said. "Alright" she said sitting down and writing in pieces of paper. "Your Babe right?" Kamala said looking at him.

Babe nodded his head. "So if the crystal ball was correct, Charlie is supposed to be your partner right?" She said. "Yea" Babe said in an almost silent voice. He didn't know if he should feel impressed or very scared. "I gave you a brownish orange leaf. It means strength and loyalty. It's what Charlie is." Kamala said. Kamala finished writing on the pieces of paper and went up to them. She placed one the piece of paper on Babes hand and told him to close it. Babe did it. She went on to Pete. "Your is a bright red. He has a big temper but he's sweet and kind". She said smiling. She then also gave him a piece of paper and told him to close his hand. She did this to all of them while telling them what the items meant. She then placed a bowl of water in front of them. She took a jug out and poured it in. It was green.

"Okay we will now begin. You will crush your leaf or flower and tear the paper and place it in the bowl, Understand?" She said making sure they knew what they were going to do. "Yes" They all said. "Babe you can be first" She said. As Babe was doing what she said, Kamala talked. "When I place a frog in it mix it. I will pour in a red liquid the if the candle ignites a flame it means they are your future partners, understand?" She said. "Why does it have frogs?" North said. "To scare of people" Kamala said with a smile. When babe was done Kamala gave him the end of a brush to mix. He mixed it and then Kamala poured in a bit of red liquid. Then all the substances formed a ball combining everything into a bright blue. They made there way into the candle and then it dropped on top of it. It then lit a shiny red flame.

"It looks like he is your partner" she said smiling. "Who's next?" She said placing 4 other brushes on the table. "I'll go" Kenta said. He then crushed his leaf and the slip of paper. He noticed it said Kim's name. She then placed the frog. The frogs were small, like the size of a marble. Kenta then mixed it together. It formed a bright purple color and it fell on the candle. It lit a blue flame. "What's with the different colors?" Pete said confused . "It must be because of you and them" she said. They all nodded their heads. "Next" she said. She sat on a chair since they knew what to do, she watched. North then when and did the same as them. He crushed the flower. Ripped the paper. Mixed it. A bright pink color formed. Then it fell on the candle. A light pink flame was there. Kamala smiled every time the candle lit fire. She knew every single one was going to do so.

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