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In this universe there are creature and humans . These creatures are demons , vampires, and sorcerer's.  There are ranks between them. Every creature has a rank of their own. What I mean is that there's number 1 vampire, sorcerer and demon. Humans don't like creatures. They are captured for them to use as slaves to work for people or just to sit in jail. Every creature has magic. People who capture creatures are called hunters and people respect them for there job. It's a hard job only a few people can do.

The house of creatures


Age: 21

Creature: Vampire . Rank 2

Magic: Super Speed, Control of some elements of Fire, turn into a bat (ofc)

Description: Charlie is brother to Jeff. They are not blood related but they are close in childhood. Charlie being a 2 Rank vampire is the ruler of the household. Although Witches/Sorcerers are stronger than Vampires Jeff let Charlie be the leader. He's fine with it and so is the rest of the crew. He takes care of everyone and if very protective as well. He doesn't want anyone hurt or injured. They're like family.


Age: 20

Creature: Sorcerer. Rank 3

Magic: He can control Earth, Fire, Water, Air, including dark magic. He can teleport

Description: Jeff is a very skilled sorcerer. He likes making potions and experimenting which helps with his skills. He often takes Sonic with him to gather ingredients or for him to watch him experiment. He loves everyone in the household but it can be noisy time to time. He spends his time alone mostly reading a book or eating cake with coffee.


Age: 20

Creature: Demon .Rank 6

Magic: extreme dark magic, illusions, necromancy

Description: Sonic loves using his magic for good. Usually demon magic is evil but Sonic doesn't like to use it that way. He likes to pick out flowers in the backyard. His fashion sense is colorful and wild. He loves eating fried chicken.


Age: 21

Creature: Demon. Rank 5

Magic: extreme dark magic, illusions, dream magic, necromancy

Description: Way is a very bossy and likes to yell a lot. He also likes to point out how weird Sonic is. Although he argues with him he always argues with Kim. They fight about everything. Way likes to practice his magic stills with Kim. For good reasons.( probably not)


Age: 22

Creature: Vampire. Rank 4

Description: Kim is the most normal out of the crew. He practice magic with Way. It seems every practice he wants to kill him but probably not.( he thinks). He liked to each tv in the living room.

I will call this side of the people crew/group 

The rest will be hunters because of course they are. All of them are high achieving hunters. They are respected in the community except the creatures. 



Age: 20


Age: 30


Age: 21


Age: 21


Age: 23

You also might notice some other bl actors names on here for fun. They can be there real names or the ones of the series they played. Enjoy chapter 1 :)

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