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MIRA -25/06/2023

Why is God against me? I don’t remember doing anything wrong, well, except maybe the time I sprayed graffiti on the walls of our school building or when I went shoplifting with some of my friends or the time- I stopped myself from thinking about that, but alright, maybe I did do some stuff that was wrong, but this punishment is too much, you can’t put me in a room with Donja. That’s just brutal.

I started unpacking my bags and throwing my clothes in the upper shelves of the closet we would need to share. The cabin we were sleeping in was pretty spacious, all duo’s were assigned a cabin, the cabin was divided in two rooms, the main room was the bedroom and then you had a smaller room, which functioned as a bathroom. The bedroom just had two beds with a nightstand in between pushed against the back wall and a closet. The bedroom had some normal bathroom stuff, so a toilet, a small shower and one sink. That was going to be a problem, Donja her stuff will probably take up all the space, which meant I needed to stall my stuff there quickly.

The front door slammed against the wall,

‘Dude, you scared the heck out of me.’ I said as Donja came in.

‘I don’t care, these fucking teachers won’t let us trade roommates, which means I’m stuck with you.’ she said.

‘At least you’re not stuck with someone who can’t even open a door.’ I answered, rolling my eyes at her.

‘Shut up.’ she said, I couldn’t help but grin, since “shut up” is basically an excuse for when you don’t have a good comeback. Donja looked away, squinting her eyes. I followed her gaze.

‘Did you already put your clothes in the closet?’ Donja asked.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry princess, I didn’t know you cared.’ I said, she looked back over at me
'Well I do care, so get your fucking clothes out of my closet.’ she ordered.

‘Let me think…’ I said.

‘I don’t care about what you think, just get your clothes out of this closet.’

‘I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this is our fucking room, I can put my clothes in that closet.’

‘This is my closet.’

Who the hell does she think she is, we’re sharing a fucking room, she can’t tell me whether or not I can use the closet. I’m already so done with her, I can barely stand being in the same building as her and now we’re sharing a room. If I find out who has done this to me, I will kill them.
Since I couldn’t stand her anymore I said:

‘I don’t care what you do, just don’t touch my clothes, I’m out.’ I walked to the door and closed it behind me.

Our camp had a lot of cabins, all surrounding a big campfire. I saw Sol, Dillen and Julian sitting around the campfire, which wasn’t put on yet, and walked over to them.

‘Whatcha doing?’ Sol asked me,

‘Running away from my problems, what about you.’ I answered.
‘Just chilling.’ He said,

‘Come sit with us.’ Julian said,

‘Yeah you can tell us all about your problems.’ Dillen said with a slight grin on his face.

‘Dillen if you did this to me, I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life.’ I said as I sat down next to him, he laughed.

‘I would never.’ he said.

‘Yeah, right.’ I answered, not believing him for a second. He probably asked his dad if he could make the list, which his dad agreed to, since it would be easier for him and then Dillen put me and Donja together ‘cause he thought it was “funny”.

‘Dude, she literally told me I couldn’t use the closet, because it was hers.’ I said, they all started laughing,

‘You guys are horrible friends.’ I got up and started walking away,

‘Have fun with your roommate.’ Dillen said, still laughing.

‘Two words, one finger.’ I answered, which made them laugh even louder, I grinned as I walked over to the cabin Em and Jordan shared. I still didn’t know what to think of Jordan, I mean, I’m glad Em found someone with the same interests and I’m sure Jordan is nice, but I would be lying if I said I was happy they were so close already. Like it’s Em, she never gets close with someone this fast.

It’s obviously a coincidence that they’re sharing a room, since I was already paired up with Donja, but then again, Em did decide to sit next to her in the bus instead of next to me.
I shouldn’t have those thoughts, Em and I have been friends since birth, I should be glad she has found someone else to spend time with.

I opened the door to their cabin, which was exactly the same as mine.

‘Hey Em, Jordan.’ I said, walking into their bedroom, Jordan was laying down on the bed on the right and Emily was sitting at her feet, they were laughing about something and both were holding a book.

‘Oh, hi Mir!’ Emily said, Jordan sat up and smiled at me.

‘Donja is killing me.’ I said as I sat down on the other bed, which I supposed was Em’s. Their room was already fully decorated, honestly how did they do that in just half an hour? They had put their clothes on the bottom shelf and used the rest of the shelves as a bookcase.

I could see the tank top I bought for Em laying on her other shirts. I didn’t believe she would actually take that with her, even though I had made her promise it.

‘What a surprise,’ Emily said, rolling her eyes, ‘what did she do?’ she added.

‘She’s just annoying, she told me I couldn’t put away my clothes, since it was her closet.’ I explained again.

Jordan laughed, ‘You’re kidding.’ she said.

‘I’m dead serious,’ I answered. I walked towards their closet and took one of the books out, “The vengeance of the pirate queen” ‘You can borrow it if you want to, it’s a great story. This is the third book, tho, you might wanna read the first two books first.’ Jordan said.

‘No, I’m good, I don’t think I will have time.’

This wasn’t a lie, I mean, I was probably gonna stay up most of the nights, but also, I just don’t like reading.
I feel like reading takes you away from the real world, which is a good thing for some people, but I hate it. Emily would kill me if I said this out loud, but it’s true. I enjoy being in the real world and reading… well it’s not real, so why bother spending my time on it?

Anyways we talked for a few minutes and then we got called to the campfire, I stood next to Riley who was whispering about some shit. I just nodded from time to time and then he went on.

Mister Fisher was telling us about some stuff we were going to do before dinner, first we were to have lunch in the commonhouse, then we will be playing a game in teams and whoever wins that game, will get dinner first and won’t have to do any chores -how’s that fair? I really wasn’t feeling like doing chores the first day, so I gotta do everything to win that stupid game, whatever it may be.

After lunch we could finally start that game. Mister Fisher walked over to us and took a paper out of his bag,

‘So, you’re all probably wondering what game we’re going to play and I will tell you in a minute, but first, the teams!’

I sighed, great, the teachers made the teams -or better Dylan made the teams.

‘There will be teams of three, but as we are with 22 students, there will be two teams of two.’ He started listing all the teams, but I didn’t mind listening to all the teams, I only cared what teams I was in.

‘And finally, Jayden, Mira-’
Yes, yes, yes! Finally some luck on my side, I’m so glad Dylan didn’t put me in a stupid team, I’m so happy-

‘-and Sol.’

I cursed in my mind. I didn’t mind Sol, he is a great friend.
Jayden and him don’t really get along however. Or more like, not at all. I watched them both approach me.
This is gonna be a hell of a ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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