Chapter 6. Problem Child

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"...This is Taneo Takeda, and now for the Hero News, our young, friendly neighborhood vigilante has struck again! Just this morning, Spiderman was seen in the main square of Mustafu aiding in taking down a group of villains causing chaos and damaging public properties. All five villains were apprehended before the webslinger had left the area." The newscaster said as a video recording of Spiderman wrapping the villains with webs and hanging them on top of a lamppost for the authorities came rushing in as he swung away whilst waving at the crowd. "Despite being a vigilante and a certain someone calling him a "menace to society", Spidey proves that you don't need a license to be a hero. Now onto the next case, a new rising heroin—."

The television was shut off as the remote was placed down on the coffee table as the person who did it groaned.

Within the walls of the teacher's lounge in the most prestigious hero school in Japan, a man clad in black clothing with a long scarf-like capture weapon around his neck, and a notable yellow goggles peeking out of the scarf. Bandages can be seen covering their arms and hands as they slowly pull himself up the couch's backrest, groaning in pain in the process.

This man can be identified as Shota Aizawa, also known as the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head, an underground hero. He is also a teacher here in UA, teaching and training future heroes that Japan needs to fight off villains.

As to why he is in bandages, well, you can thank one person for that. Spiderman, the topic of the news and the self-proclaimed friendly neighborhood vigilante that had made his debut three months ago. Last week, the underground hero tried to apprehend the young vigilante, who was doing his nightly patrols in the streets and somehow paid the price of trying to ambush said vigilante.

They were caught in a fight, and Aizawa lost, despite having years of experience and to add salt to the wound, Spiderman wasn't even trying to hit him. All of the damage dealt to the hero was all self-defense.

He had been in the young vigilante's tail for the past few months, a few days after the webslinger's debut.

And in those past months of tracking down the vigilante, the pro-hero was met with two results. Be it either Spiderman escaping via distractions or the vigilante getting away before the underground hero could approach him. And in every confrontation that he had with the young vigilante, he would surprisingly be outclassed by Spiderman.

The boy was surprisingly strong for his age and had the mind that would nearly rival Nezu, who was literally the smartest being in Japan. The boy also has a tendency to be such a talker when fighting against villains but Aizawa thinks of it as a way for the vigilante to make his opponent lose their cool in fighting him, which somehow works with a hundred percent win rate in Spiderman's record.

He sighed as he remembered his first confrontation with the boy. He was caught in the grasp of a villain with a strong mutation quirk, making it hard for him to apprehend the villain since his quirk is useless against those types of quirks. It also didn't help that the villain was good at fighting in hand-to-hand combat.

Aizawa always believed that every messy situation has a logical solution. But for the first time of his life, he had felt unable to follow that belief. And when he was about to get squashed by the villains, a blur of black and green kicked the man in the face, sending the villain tumbling into the trash bins. It was Spiderman swooping in for the save. Aizawa and the villain immediately recognized him.

The young vigilante was an... odd one. He fought the villain all the while trash-talking said villain. Which was illogical in Eraser Head's book and would only make the situation worse, which it did, since the villain grew angrier at the webslinger. This made the villain's attacks grow wilder, which had made it easier for the young vigilante for some reason to take down the man.

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