Chapter 2. Awakened Potential

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Three days had passed since the incident at the Shield Enterprise convention, the day that would forever change Izuku Midoriya's life. He had no memory of what transpired there, just a vague recollection of the excitement of being among heroes and the curiosity that had drawn him to that forbidden place. Now, he lay in a hospital bed, feeling like a shipwrecked sailor washed ashore, battered and disoriented.

Izuku's eyes blinked open, his vision blurred from the stark white surroundings. The sterile scent of the hospital assaulted his senses. He groaned, trying to sit up but immediately regretting it as pain shot through his body. He winced, clutching his head.

Just as he was about to call for a nurse, the door swung open, and Inko, his mother, and Toshinori Yagi, his stepfather, rushed in with worried expressions. Inko's eyes were red, and she had clearly been crying. Toshinori, though trying to maintain his composure, couldn't hide the concern etched on his face.

"Oh, Izuku, you're awake!" Inko exclaimed, rushing to his bedside. "We were so worried about you."

Izuku managed a weak smile, his voice hoarse. "What happened? How did I end up here?"

Toshinori, ever the reassuring presence, spoke gently. "You were found unconscious near the Shield Enterprise convention center. They brought you here. We still don't know what happened, but you're going to be okay."

As they explained the events leading up to his hospitalization, Izuku's mind raced. The last thing he remembered was feeling dizzy and disoriented at the convention after he was bitten by that spider then collapsing. Though he chose not to tell them that fact to not worry them further.

But that didn't explain the strange sensations he'd been experiencing since he woke up. It was as if his entire body was tingling with newfound energy, and he had a growing sense that something extraordinary had happened to him. But he couldn't explain what.

The family's conversation was cut short when the doctor entered the room and did some tests on Izuku. After the doctor gave him a go sign, Izuku was discharged from the hospital.

The trip back home was quiet, not including the sound of the radio station featuring Present Mic talking to his "listeners". As Izuku was on his way to his room, he almost bumped on Izumi. Blinking at his twin, Izuku smiled awkwardly. "H-hey, Zumi-chan..." he said awkwardly.

Izumi just looked at him for a second before talking. "So you're out of the hospital?" she asked blandly.

"Yeah. I just got discharged today." Izuku said, scratching his head. "The doctor said I shouldn't force myself too much."

His twin just stared at him for a bit before humming to herself. She then walked past him to the kitchen, mumbling something that Izuku couldn't hear clearly. He could only sigh as he stared at his sister's retreating back.

He heard from his mom that Izumi had been so worried about him when he was hospitalized. She had also been said to have watched over him while he was knocked out, but looking at her right now makes it hard for him to believe.

Shaking those thoughts off, he yawned as he opened the door to his room. Despite being asleep for three days, he still needs to take a nap. He was so focused on wanting to take a nap that he failed to see Izumi peering from the corner, looking at him with worried eyes.


In the living room of the Yagi Household, Inko and Toshinori sat on the couch a serious expression on the latter's and an unsure one on the former. They appear to be in a serious conversation.

"A-are you sure about this, Toshi-kun?" Inko asked her husband in a worried tone.

Toshinori nodded at his wife. "Yes. I'm very positive about this, Inko-chan." he said before looking at her directly in her eyes. "I want Izuku to become my successor."

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