Chapter 5. A Spider's Debut

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In the moonlit streets of Mustafu, a muscular figure with tufts of brown fur covering most of his body can be seen running away on all fours whilst carrying a gagged up girl, as alarms from nearby cars that the figure hit on his way away from the location blared throughout the night. Police sirens can be heard from a distance as the figure took a left turn into a nearby alleyway, making the girl yelp with the sudden change of pace.

The man made his way deeper into the alley, stopping when the police sirens died out. He huffed as he dropped the tied up girl, who yelped in pain. Looking over at the girl, who began shifting violently, trying to get the binding off of her. The girl was a brunette, with a bob-cut framing her round face and light pink blush marks on her cheeks. The man growled at the girl.

"Shut up! This is all your fault for getting in the way. I would've been away with stacks of cash if it weren't for you calling the cops on me." he said as claws emerged from his fingers. "You had a chance to mind your own business..."

The girl began shaking in fear as the man began to shift into what appears to be a grizzly bear(1), as his fangs began to elongate as the fur all over him began to grow wilder, making him look feral.

The now human-bear hybrid raised his long sharp claws as he glared daggers at the scared girl. "And now you die." the girl panicked and yelled over the gag on her mouth.

He was about to swipe the girl, when a voice echoed from his left side. "I think not!" with that a kick made an impact on the man-bear's jaw, sending him flying a few meters away from the girl.

The girl was surprised at the sudden arrival. She looked over at the mysterious figure. With the limited light in the alley, she saw a young man clad in a dark-green hoodie with black accents and a white spider insignia on the back, black shorts over black and gray leggings and his red high top shoes. The head of her mysterious savior was covered with a black spandex mask with dark green web pattern over white lenses.

 The head of her mysterious savior was covered with a black spandex mask with dark green web pattern over white lenses

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[Art by: Yours truly]

The mysterious figure landed in a crouched position and looked over at the girl. "Are you okay?" he asked in a worried voice, opting the girl to nod. She heard him sigh and walked towards her and began untying her. As soon as her bindings were removed, the young man looked back at the villain, who began standing, shaking the cobwebs from the kick.

As the man looked at the person who kicked him, he growled to see the young man. "Who are you supposed to be?!"

"Just a friendly neighborhood vigilante making his debut." the young man said, not moving from his position. This caught the attention of both the girl and the villain, earning different reactions from the people around him.

The villain smirked thinking this was going to be an easy crushing, while the girl gained a nervous expression, realizing that her savior just started his vigilante journey. Her worries were interrupted when the man in front of her spoke up. "You may need to step back from this." he said. The girl looked at him with confusion but didn't question it as she took a few steps backwards.

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