ch8. new servants

Start from the beginning

So, I always watch your actions in this world.

Right now, I am weak due to Beast 1's plans being implemented, and he succeeded in making me weak. You are the only God and human who I can help and support to help me," she revealed her true intentions.

Who is Sefar? Why she calling SEFAR has white death and me as black death? Well I'm shadow monarch so I can understand. So Sefar destroyed 80% of life forms including Gods. No wonder Alaya sees me as monster. but I don't have anything to do with Sefar. But....

Is Sefar and Ashborn have connection? I don't know.

Is Ashborn hiding something in the memories I got ? Are those memories true or false?

And I saw a WORLD TREE in those memories. And most my soldiers are from the tree.

There too many questions and mysteries.

One thing is certain, Alaya is angry with me. But why?

Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that she is a potential enemy to me. Is it possible to kill her? I need to find out.

"So, Ritsuka Fujimaru, a god with a human heart. I'm your ally for now," she said.

So, she revealed her true intentions. We are nothing but coexisting members who help each other for now.

I always prioritize my family over the world. But right now, only the world is in danger. Who knows what will happen in the future.

"I understand what you are saying but..." I gave her a cold look and continued.

"If you turely want to help me, it would be easier for you to just become one of my Shadow Soldiers? " Then, without my knowledge, Ashborn's aura emanated from me.

"If you turely want to help me, it would be easier for you to just become one of my Shadow Soldiers? " Then, without my knowledge, Ashborn's aura emanated from me

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For a moment, Alaya messenger felt chills running down her body. She sensed Ashborn's presence within Ritsuka, but she had no knowledge of who Ashborn was.

'Alaya, or whatever you are, I don't trust you. You're hiding something, you bitch' I thought

"You can't turn me into your shadow soldier because I possess an astral body. I am the collective unconsciousness of mankind and the drive for its survival as a whole. Our roles and natures are fundamentally incompatible, and we won't get along with each other," she explained.

I realized that she possessed an astral body, akin to Absolute Beings, Rulers, and Monarchs. This meant that killing her in the future might permanently eliminate her, a revelation that could prove to be valuable information.

"I see. Then what about Gaia? Is she not going to help me?" I inquired, surprised that Alaya hadn't mentioned Gaia's involvement.

"Fufu, let me clarify this. Gaia doesn't give a damn about humanity or the human race. She only cares about life forms. You won't receive any help from Gaia," Alaya explained, shattering my preconceived notions about Gaia's benevolence. It was a stark realization, as in my past life, I had heard countless stories praising Gaia's compassion. Yet, in this world, she appeared to be indifferent at best and hostile at worst.

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