She ignored the constant buzzing sound of the phone in her pants, wishing Armando would get this started and over with. He sat at the table busy with his devices and calls.

"Pick your calls. It's becoming annoying." He scoffed before making another phone call.

Julie summoned the courage to answer it. She couldn't quench the part of her burning for answers the major part of her deemed forbidden. "What in the world do you want now?"

"It's simple. You were in a rush to send the money. We thought that you clearly understood what was going on, but now we see you are totally clueless."

" What is that supposed to mean?"

" You see, we know for sure you brought the money and somehow escaped, but we don't know how that happened. We would like to know you better. You are our own made commodity although through Mario. You are the collateral he placed with the money. "

Julie was confused and dumbstruck . " You are what Mario owed us. It wasn't about the money or anything else it was about you."

" How insane can a loan company get? " Julie chuckled trying not to think things far.

"You're totally clueless. You know nothing at all."

"I know all I need to know about my life . Who in earth are you? Can you get off my phone and stop stalking me with stupid phone calls. " Her voice was low and calm.

" Are you afraid to know why they kept running, why they kept hiding, what they kept hidden, where you are from? "

Curiosity and anxiousness flooded Julie's being. The questions swelling in her head were stated and the main reason she feared to let it out. Fear of the unknown. She could feel it. She wanted the answers badly but, "get off my phone and my life bastards." She ended the call  at this thought. Everyone kept it buried, why would she want to raise the mummy?

Raising mummies were bad tales that never ended up well.

"You keep trailing me..." Julie whispered before throwing her phones into the pool. The contract laid on the table as she watched him.

"Are you alright?" Armando asked as he dropped his phone.

"Yeah why?"

"You just dropped your phones in the pool." He wondered if she was in her perfect mental state.

Julie took a seat beside him. "I am just starting to regret ever accepting the contract. It's like a waste of my entire life. I mean, a year from now I will be called the ex-wife to the GOD OF THE ONLY EMPIRE IN THE BUSINESS WORLD for nothing."

She picked up the contract. "I made the worst decision of my life."

"I feel the same way." He voiced tiredly after few seconds.

"Arman look." Julie sensed a hint of agony in his voice. She stared to his eyes genuinely. "We are partners, I don't even remember what my conversation with Isa was about. All I know is that I have a contract needed to be successfully delivered. Although it's the worst choice I made, I certainly can't do anything about it."

" You can divorce after six months than to feel used and fooled for a whole year. " He stared to the  sky before taking a glance at Julie.

Julie watched him stare at the pool in disbelief. "Why is that?"

"I discovered that with your performance, I could achieve all I want in six months maxi."

"I will send you the last half then you can feel free to divorce."

Julie thought about it for a while. It wasn't so bad." Deal! So where should I sign? " She queried as she collected a pen from Arman's jacket.

He snatched back the pen and inserted back into his pocket. "Here, here and there."

Julie read though the contract, under a minute and took it out swiftly. She did the signing, ignoring  Arman's glare before putting it back and adjusting his jacket nicely. "Thanks pops." She dabbed his jacket nicely with a cute smile.

Armando couldn't hide the smile this plastered on his face even though he tried so hard to remain upset about the pen theft.

"Am I interrupting anything?" The king  asked as he walked to them with a wide grin. "I have been searching for you son."

It was then they noticed how close they were. Their laps were touching and their faces were only inches away. They were less concerned about that. More concerned about the contract on the table.

They both leaned to close it as fast as possible before staring to the king. "That's nice, you help each other with paperwork." He took a seat next to their table.

"I guess you guys haven't gotten the news yet." The king's voice was calm with a hint of agony.

They adjusted to a comfortable sitting position as they stared curiously at the king.

"It's all over Italy. The third son of Lord Dante Maretti, Camillo Maretti, is dead." He stared to Julie's shocked face. Her facial expression was screaming. " What in the mother of mars did I hear you say?"

"He had been away for two months now, they say he died two months ago. The investigators conclude it's assassination and his body was bulleted."

Julie struggled to breathe at the confusing but shocking news. The trauma of reminiscing that night. But how in the world? What in the world is going on?


Guys please let's take a break.Y head aches. Jeesh.

I think I'm beginning to regret ever following up Julie's story.

But this part of me wants to see pt to the end. I know you also want to.

I need a quick juice...

There now where were we?

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