Midnight Mischief I

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Craig and Clyde returned from the kitchen. Craig walked up to you, and handed you a beer from the fridge. You grabbed onto the beer, and felt the condensation tickle your fingers as you inspected the can. Clyde looked at you, then looked at the spot you used to be at which was beside him, and frowned immediately. 

"Y/N, why'd ya move?" Clyde's bottom lip trembled as he tried to guilt you into moving back to where you were earlier. "You don't want to sit beside Stan and Kyle though, right?" 

"You seemed like you wanted to sit next to Cartman, get to know each other better since you guys are just oh so best buddies." You chimed, sending a devious smirk in Clyde's direction. "Besides, you get a lot of my attention. I gotta' share it with the others, too!" 

"You were at Kyle's house yesterday, you gave him way more attention!" Clyde pouted, as he glared at Kyle's direction. "Not fair, I think you are playing favorites, Y/N. Orrr are you trying to make me jealous? Because, it's working." 

"Sharing is caring, Clyde." Stan stuck his tongue out at the boy across from him as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders now, and pulled you closer to him. "She never wants to hang out with me, so it's my turn." He figured he'd help get you out of this one. 

You cracked open the beer can, and took a small sip from it, before scrunching your nose in disgust. God, how the fuck are the boys able to drink this and actually enjoy it? You felt a pair of eyes glare at you both from the side, a jealous Kyle was trying so hard to not side-eye you and Stan, but it was just so hard. 

Trying to not pay too much attention to it, you leaned more into Stan's side, as he had his arm around your shoulders. He also took occasional sips from his beer can as he laughed with the other boys, and tried to make this night a good one. It wasn't often that they'd all hung out with each other, but they were doing it for you, to make you feel better and forget about the terrible night that was yesterday. 

You leaned close to Stan's ear, and whispered something to him. In return, he only laughed out. This caught Kyle's attention immediately when he saw you leaning close to Stan, his heart dropping when he thought that he was going to get a kiss from you. He was thankful that it didn't get to that point, but what the hell did you have to be so secretive about? Stan in return, leaned in close, and whispered close to your ear in return. Your eyes went wide, and you placed a hand over your mouth as you were shocked, gasping before then taking a few seconds and letting out a soft giggle. 

"You can share with the class." Clyde tapped an annoyed finger against the beer can held in his grasp. He hated how close you were snuggled into Stan's side, and the fact that you two were whispering to each other was driving him nuts. What was so funny? 

"Yeah, what's so secretive?" Kyle grumbled as he tried to hide his annoyance by quickly taking a drink from his own beer can. He rolled his eyes, and exhaled loudly as he tried to keep himself from saying anything else. 

Stan leaned in and whispered close to your ear again, but was a little bit closer now than earlier. He pulled away from your ear as you shook your head 'no', and playfully punched him. You leaned in and whispered to his ear, but he quickly whipped his head around, and accidentally smacked your injured nose when he turned his head. You yelped out in pain, and felt tears brim your eyes as you quickly placed a hand against your injury out of pure reflex. "A-ack...!" You whimpered softly, feeling the pounding pain return to your nose that you'd experienced yesterday. 

"Sh-shit Y/N I'm so sorry!" Stan's eyes went wide as he reached his hands out toward you, and tried to console you but you backed away and shook  your head, trying to get through the pain before anything else. He watched as you tried to fight back the tears that brimmed your eyes. His heart sank, god did he feel like a complete dumbass. 

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