"You've got this, Sulekha," Malang whispered, his voice filled with reassurance.

Netra nodded in agreement. "Just be yourself and dance like no one's watching."

With a deep breath, Sulekha stepped forward, her hands slightly trembling. She exchanged a quick glance with Netra and Malang before moving towards the center of the room. As she prepared to begin her audition, her nerves threatened to overwhelm her, but she pushed them aside, focusing on the music and letting her passion for dance guide her movements.

As Sulekha stepped forward to begin her audition, Ri, Neel, and Figo exchanged amused glances.

"Watch her trip over her own feet," Figo whispered with a smirk.

Ri stifled a giggle. "Or forget the steps altogether."

Neel chuckled, shaking his head. "There's no way she's going to pass."

Just as Neel finished his sentence, Vishal sir's voice cut through the room. "Paas."

The group's amusement turned to surprise as Sulekha's name was announced as a pass, leaving them momentarily speechless.

"But sir-" Neel tried to oppose the decision.

"No buts. I said what I said," Vishal sir said sternly, shutting down any further argument.

Sulekha, still surprised by the decision, smiled when Netra hugged her.

"Told you that you can do it," Malang said, smiling warmly.

"Yes, you passed!" Netra exclaimed loudly with enthusiasm.

"Thank you so much, guys," Sulekha said, grateful for their support.

"Netra Lokhande, you're next," the coach announced.

"Guys, It's my turn to shine now. Watch me," Netra said confidently.

"Go for it, Netra!" Su encouraged, giving her a supportive smile.

"Malang and I are rooting for you!" Su added, echoing her sentiments.

With their words of encouragement, Netra stepped forward confidently, ready to showcase her talent.

As soon as the music started, Netra's body moved with grace and fluidity, giving her all to the dance.

"Amazing. You pass," the coach declared with a warm smile.

Rihaana eyed Netra from top to bottom, then observed her dance closely then exclaimed,"She was actually good".

"Can't argue with that," Figo said.

"Yeah, she was good," Ishaan chimed in, smiling.

Neel looked at Rihaana with amusement. "Am I seeing right, or are you actually appreciating someone?" he chuckled.

"Shut up," Ri said, rolling her eyes.

After a few more students, Vishal sir finally called out, "Malang, please come forward and show us what you have."

As soon as my name was called, my heart started pounding loudly. Nervousness crept in. What if I can't make it? What if I fail? Su and Netra both passed... what if I don't? Will they leave me? I don't know anyone else in this campus except them. Lost in my thoughts, Netra's voice calling me snapped me out of my inner turmoil.

"Malang, where are you lost?" Netra asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Malang, you got this," Netra reassured, her voice filled with encouragement. "Just go out there and give it your all. We're all rooting for you."

Su nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting sincerity. "Exactly. Don't worry about the outcome. Whether you pass or not, we'll always be here for you."

Malang felt a surge of gratitude wash over him at their words. "Thanks, guys. I'll do my best."

Neel X Malang Where stories live. Discover now