Bully ?

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When Neel saw the boy struggling to get back on his feet, a ray of satisfaction flashed in his mind. "Serves him right" . He thought bitterly.

Neel grabbed his t-shirt's collar angrily and pulled him up Effortlessly like he don't weight anything. Malang instinctively placed a hand on Neel's chest to steady himself.

Neel's grip tightened, his gaze piercing as he looked down at Malang with a mixture of superiority and disdain. "Watch where you're going, newbie," he sneered, his voice laced with contempt. "You're lucky I didn't flatten you like a pancake."

Malang's heart sank as he was terrified from neel's anger , he didn't wanted any problem for his whole journey in this campus and here he is in a terrific problem on his first day . Looks like luck is never on his side. He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as he struggled to find the words to respond. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "I didn't mean to bump into you."

Malang's hand trembled as it rested on Neel's chest, his fingers curling instinctively as if seeking reassurance in the face of Neel's overpowering presence.

Neel's grip tightened, his jaw clenched with barely-contained rage as he looked down at Malang with disdain. "Pathetic," he growled, his voice dripping with venom. "Can't even walk straight without bumping into someone, can you?"

Malang's heart raced with fear as he met Neel's intense gaze, his words catching in his throat like a trapped bird. "I-I'm sorry," he stuttered, his voice barely audible above the pounding of his own heart. "I didn't mean to... I mean, I'll be more careful next time, I promise."

But Neel wasn't interested in apologies or promises. With a harsh shove, he pushed Malang aside, sending him stumbling backwards against the wall. "You better watch yourself, newbie," he spat, his voice a low, menacing growl. "Or you'll regret ever setting foot in this place."

As Neel walked away, Malang felt scared. His heart was beating fast, and he was trembling. He felt tiny next to Neel, like a mouse facing a big cat. Neel's words made him even more afraid, and when Neel threatened him, Malang felt helpless. He remembered how he had put his hand on Neel's chest earlier, hoping for support, but now he just felt vulnerable.

Malang took a deep breath to calm his racing heart as he made his way to his first class. Finally finding the classroom, his nerves kicked in as he hesitated to knock on the door. He imagined all the worst-case scenarios that could happen, lost in his thoughts until he realized the teacher was already inside and calling him in.

"I see you're late, but I'll let it slide this time since it's your first day," the teacher said, giving Malang a small smile. "But make sure to be here exact on time and not be late again. "

Feeling nervous, Malang stood in front of the class as the teacher instructed him to introduce himself. He hated this part, as a introvert he don't want to be seen much and he felt like no one was even interested in knowing him as everyone was busy with their own work. He suddenly realized that some students were staring at him as he still hadn't introduced himself.

Taking another deep breath, Malang stuttered out his introduction. "H-hi everyone, I'm Malang. N-nice to meet you all," he said, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. He looked down, feeling ashamed for stuttering twice in one sentence.

The teacher nodded and gestured for Malang to take a seat beside Ishaan. "Ishaan, please raise your hand," the teacher said.

At the last table, next to the window, he spotted a boy with his hand raised, looking exhausted and barely awake. It seemed as though the boy had been dozing off until the teacher's call snapped him back to attention.Malang hurried to his seat.

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