Part of it

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Previous Chapter :

"How, how can he say the same line with exact words and the same is that even possible. It must have been a coincidence but is it really a coincidence.....or is there something more to it? Neel thought to himself, his eyes furrowed.

The question lingered in the air, unanswered.

The Next Day :

Neel, Ishaan, Rihaana, Sam, and Figo strolled down the hallway, making their way to the dance room. There was a sense of curiosity in the air as they chatted among themselves, unaware of the reason behind being summoned by their teacher.

Neel, glancing at the others, couldn't help but voice the shared confusion, "Hey, anyone got a clue why we're heading to the dance room?"

Ishaan shrugged, "Not a clue. Maybe a surprise dance-off or something?"

Rihaana chimed in, "I hope it's not another surprise test. I didn't even study this time."

Sam added with a laugh, "Well, whatever it is, I hope it's not too serious."

As they approached the dance room, the anticipation grew. When they entered, the sight of all the freshers standing there, alongside their teachers at the front, left the group visibly surprised.

Neel whispered, "What's going on? Did we miss a memo?"

Figo replied, "I have no idea, but this looks important."

The group exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity turning into a shared sense of bewilderment as they awaited an explanation.

Their dance teacher, Vishal, called them to the center of the room.

"So, I can see you're all wondering why you're here all of a sudden. Well, let me clear that up. The principal had a chat with me and filled me in on what went down during your audition. This time around, I'll be the one leading the auditions and selecting the students. Your job is simple: stay put and jot down the names of the students I call out. Got it?" Vishal explained calmly.

Neel and the others exchanged glances, a sense of unease settling over them as Vishal's words sank in.

"But sir," Neel began, his voice tinged with frustration, "we were hoping to conduct the auditions ourselves and choose the students based on our judgment."

Vishal nodded, understanding their concerns. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the principal specifically asked me to oversee this process. It's important for the school's reputation."

Ishaan stepped forward, his voice calm and steady. "Let's trust Vishal sir's judgment. We can still guide the process and ensure fairness."

Reluctantly, Neel and the others acquiesced with a sense of disappointment. They took their positions, ready to assist Vishal in the auditions, though their initial plans had been dashed by the principal's directive.

Neel exchanged a glance with Ishaan, both nodding in understanding. Rihaana's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she remained composed. Sam leaned over to Figo, whispering something in his ear, and he nodded nervously.

Vishal scanned the room, noting the varying reactions. "Alright, let's get started then," he said, a hint of authority in his tone.

The students shuffled into position, their attention focused on Vishal as he began calling out names. Each time a name was called, the designated student stepped forward, some with confident strides, others with hesitant ones.

"Sulekha", Vishal sir called.

Sulekha's name echoed through the room, causing her heart to race. She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as all eyes turned to her.

Neel X Malang Where stories live. Discover now