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Taylor pov
My heart drops as Jamie shows me her phone. Trav tightens his grip on me .
"Fuck" I mumble looking down  James grabs Jamie's phone and cursed.
"Taylor it's ok, but looks like we will need to sneak out".  Jamie's says gently "they have not placed y'all with us yet maybe tay and Abby can get in the van with us and Trav can you leave out the front as a distraction" Jamie says moving to grab a guitar case.

"That is a good idea . Are y'all ok with it" Trav says looking to me and Abby . I look to Abby who nods so I do also.
"That sounds good my security can drive if it's easier" I say looking to Jamie . She nods "that sounds fine here my keys" she says adds pulling out a set a keys.

"Ok meet back at my place" Travis asks as everyone moves to grab their stuff. I look at him and nod before giving him a soft kiss .
"Stay safe love" I whisper giving him a tight hug.he leans down kissing me gently "text me when you are in the van safe" he whispers softly .
"I will you get home safe we will be right behind you " I say gently pulling back.
"Tay take my ball cap Becca give Abby yours" Jamie's has offering a ball cap to me . I nod as Abby puts on the one Becca hands her.
"Wait is this merch for you band" I say laughing as Jamie blushed nodding . "You are not getting it back it mine" I tell them they laugh at that .
"Follow us we are parked in the back" James says taking Jamie's hand Becca smiles shaking her head.
We walk quickly getting in the van with out getting spotted Becca's pulls out her phone looking downs

"We got out with out getting spotted but they have made the connection that Taylor knows one of us" she says looking down.

"I should call mom" I say gently Jamie turns her head panicking . "She sees a picture of y'all she will put it together" I explain she nods putting her head down she starts to play with her hand .james grabs them gently kissing her a hands .
"Deep breaths" he says gently she moves to leans against him playing with his hands as he gently kisses her head.

I quickly call my mom who answered right away.
I put the call on speaker
"Hay mom" I says gently Jamie looks over i give them a gentle smile.
"Hay sweetheart I though you and Abby where having a girls night is everything ok" she asks I can tell she is worried I let out a soft laugh.
"We did but but are heading back to Travis's house ..mom are you sitting down" I start gently knowing that she also missed Ella .
"I'm in bed Taylor Allison what is going on your scaring me" she says bluntly. Abby and Jamie both laugh a bit at that covering theirs mouths.
"I found Ella. But they go by Jamie now" I say just ripping the band aid off . I hear her gasp and start crying Jamie's eyes widen.
"What?!? She is is alive!??" My mom says I can tell she is in shock. Jamie smiles gently .
"It's me mama I am alive" Jamie says gently with a soft smiling.
"Sweetie what ?! Where ?! HOW?!" Mom starts to ramble causing all of us to chuckle.
"Tay and Abby happens to be at the bar my band had a gig at" Jamie explains.
"Mom they have been in Kansas City for the past 14 years , they know Trav" I add on smiling at  Jamie who just chuckles.
"Wait they know Trav how did it take so long" mom starts obviously confused on why it took so for us to meet again.
Jamie tightens her grip on James hands .i give a gentle smile.
"Fear that we would hate them for being non binary and gay" I explain. "Pictures have been posted I just wanted you to know before" I explain gently .
"We would not god we thought they were dead I'm so happy. Jamie  now right we need to have dinner at some point! Do you have a partner? If you do they better treat your right" mom starts to ramble . I let out a laugh as James eyes widened and Jamie blushed.
"They have a boyfriend who can hear you mom his name is James" I say laughing.
"Nice to meet you ms.swift" James says obviously nervous.
"O! Nice to meet you James call me Andrea" mom says simply making Jamie's chuckle as we pull onto Travs drive way.
"Mom we will plan a time for dinner we made it to Trav's house love you" I say gently.
"Love you give the child my number " she says before hanging up making us all laugh.
"When we get inside I will call dad and Austin then get tree in the loop to handle the media" I say gently as we all get out.

Jamie's pov
I get out the the van with James help he gently takes my hand giving me soft kiss on the cheek before we walk in .

"Holly shit media is a frizzy tay you may need to call t Tree" Travis says as soon as we enter going up to Taylor giving her a soft kiss.

"They identify the misfits and because I follow them and been at so many shows they looked in further and someone I guess who went to school with y'all. Identified Jamie as ella" Travis explains my heart drops at that.

"Fucken hell" Taylor cursed pulling out her phone quickly calling Tree putting it on speaker again.

"Taylor what the hell happened tonight" tree says as soon as she picks ups the call . I step back a bit as James wraps his arms around me to help gently kissing my cheek.

"Tree the girl I hired pi to find I found her" Taylor says simply I can hear the happiness in her voice and can't help but smile.

"Which one is is it Jamie or Becca" Tree says softly I can help but stiffen at my name . James gently pulls me closer.
"Jamie is Ella s chosen name and legal name so we will call her that" Taylor said simply before giving me a soft smile. "Your on speaker all of the misfits , Abby , the Mahomes and Trav are all here" she adds on.

"Got it nice to meet you Jamie and others sorry for all of this I see yall have a band do you have a manager or pr person that I need to get in the loop" tree asks straight to business.

"Nice to meet you , and no we are basically just a local band" I say gently. "Becca does all the social media stuff" I add on looking over to Becca who nods
"I'm Becca and I trust you I know your work just do what you think is best to keep everyone safe" she adds on.

"Got it it's only you 3 Becca Jamie and James right" she asks .
"Yes it's just us" Becca replies I smile she has always been better at this than me.

"Ok got it I will let you go and run with the story of old friends reuniting" Tree says softly "and tay no more surprises this weekend " she adds on making all of us laugh

"Perfect bye tree" Taylor says hanging up looking over to me and James.

"Now for dad" she says chuckling I smile giving her a nod. She quickly calls her dad I move closer feeling excited to talk to the swifts again.

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