After awhile when we caught our breaths, Angel rolled off of me and I sat up, Angel's phone was blinking so he went to go check it out. I looked at the dress and it was a mess, there was the cum on the front, it was torn at the bottom, it wasnt even tied, so it was falling of my shoulder.

I looked over to Angel he was holding his phone, he looked surprised, "Angel, what are we gonna do, we totally just destroyed this dress." He looked towards me, "its okay, theres an extra suit," what did he just say. He pulled out an extra suit just for him to wave it in my face. He made me put on a dress just to make fun of me, I was beyond pissed. I got up walked up to him, snatched the suit that was wrapped up in plastic, and stompped off to the bathroom to get ready.

Four hours later I'm still locked in the bathroom, Angel is outside the bathroom door, knocking on it to get in. Im just sitting here on the counter, listening to him whine aimlessly to get in.

Knock, knock

"Pearson let me in," he whined again "no." I deadpanned, "im sorry that I tricked you into the dress." I jumped off the counter about to let him in but he couldn't keep his mouth shut, "but you got admit you look pretty damn hot in that dress. Especially with you beneath me, with cum all over the dress and you."

I kicked the door, "now I'm never letting you in!" "Aww come on"he whined "well you should've kept your mouth shut" I screamed at him. "I was just joking, now please let me in" I agreed finally "fine."

I looked in the mirror one last time and I looked great, the suit fit my body perfectly showing off my toned shape. My hair was contained in a very sexy way, it was pushed back abd to the side kinda. I opened the door and the cold air brushed against my face, Angel smiled widely "you look amazing."

Angel walked into the bathroom as I walked out of it, after an hour he walked out refreshed and brand new. His phone dinged and he walked over to it, he grabbed his phone and stuck it in his pocket, and grabbed my hand. Electricity shot through my hand so fast, it felt so nice, he pulled me out of the room and locked it.

We were standing outside and then a limo shows up, "what the hell."

Angel p.o.v.

"What the hell." He said, I laughed and then the driver got out and opened the door for us to get in, I slid in and Pearson just stood there shocked. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the car, onto my lap.

His eyes wandered around the car, looking at everything, he didn't even realize that he was in my lap. I kissed the crook of his neck and then he started to squirm out of my grip but I wrapped my arms around him.

I started to kiss his neck, and move my way up to his ear, I tugged at earlobe. I let one hand roam to his thigh, I rubbed my hand up amd down his thigh. He leaned back and said "haven't you had enough already" he thought I wanted a makeout session. I mean I would love to rip these clothes off of him and have more than a makeout session.

Sadly, thats not happening, my parents may not know that my mate is werewolf, so I'm rubbing my sent all over him. I had both my hands rubbing against his thighs, my lips pressed up against the other side of his neck. I was only rubbing enough, so he didn't get a hard on, I lifted one hand and stuck one hand under his shirt.

I roamed up his abs, and to his right nipple, I pinched it a little and he moaned, yep enough of that. I placed my hand on his hip, and ran my fingers along the rim of his pants. I kissed the back of his neck, and he placed his hands on my knees. As we got closer to the house the darker it got, and I kept rubbing him everywhere except special areas. after a kiss with tongue in it I let him go, but of course he had to stay in my lap.

I reached over and grabbed us a drink, I poured us two cups, one vodka, and the other lemonade. Yeah what a dick move but what I saw at the party I dont need at this party. I handed him the cup, he smelt it and looked at me, "really, do I look like a three year old."

"No you dont but I dont need you drunk at this party." "Just give me a sip." He leaned into me waiting for me, but I quickly changed the subject, "oh look we're here." I said with fake surprise, he turned his head to the door amd looked back at me "are you sure, I dont see anything." Then suddenly the door swings open, Pearson gets out and I follow, I thank the driver.

I grabbed Pearson's hand hoping, I blocked the wolf smell on him well enough. We walked a little before we saw the door, Pearson stopped to gawk at this all to familiar house. Its looks bigger in the light, the doors were opened for us and you could hear the laughter and cheering bouncing off the walls.


The dress is the dress Pearson wore, we didn't want it to be to extravagant, but still look nice, I personally would never wear this though. Next chapter will have Angel's suit.

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