𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑺𝑰𝑿 ~ 𝑹𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌

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🄲harlie was still asleep when Nikolai opened the door from his office the next day to look over her. He slept in his office. To Nikolai's worry, Charlie has the same restless and tense expression in her sleep. He wants to help her so badly that it's almost scary. As if an amour hit him. Nikolai never felt like this before. The feeling inside him is strange.
He just awkwardly stands there watching her.
Suddenly Charlie stirs and opens her eyes which meet Nikolais stare.
Feeling like a creep he goes to his bookshelf and acts like looking at them.
„Oh Malen'kiy...you're awake. How are you feeling?"
Nikolai asks a bit embarrassed by his behaviour.
„Uhm...fine..." Charlie says hesitantly.
Nikolai looks at her with a frown not believing her.
He knows that she's traumatised and won't get any peaceful sleep soon. He just wishes to give her some time to recover. And maybe she will sleep peaceful without any worries. „Are you hungry? You must be starving! I'll get you something to eat. Do you like smoothies? I have plenty fresh ones in my fridge. I'll get you some." Nikolai stamps out of the bedroom before Charlie can answer. Charlie looks surprised at his sudden change of attitude.
She's still unsure if she should trust him. For now it seems he's nice and polite...and caring. But what if it's the same as with Lieutenant Ivanov? What if it's another trap lurking for her. Charlie rubs her head. Her headache kicks in. She sighs as she sits up slightly. It's hard to believe that someone would care for her.
The last time she slept in a real bed was when she was 7 years old. Her father sold her bed to get money for his alcohol. The voice of Nikolai brings her back.
„Hey Malen'kiy, what's going on in your cute little head?" He asks smiling. Charlie feels like as if an angel smiles down at her every time Nikolai smiles.
„Oh, it's nothing." She says waving it off.
Nikolai shrugs and puts a tray of food and smoothies on the bed. Three kinds of bread, five kinds of cheese, six kinds of jam, many fruits, vegetables, two types of cereal and like really ten different kinds of smoothies are available on it. Charlie's eyes widen. She never saw this much of food ever. „You have...plenty of smoothies...and...food...did you...do that in the two minutes were you were gone?" Charlie asks impressed.
Nikolai shrugs acting like it's nothing. „Oh that's nothing. I wanted to do more but unfortunately the people producing my tray had problems doing it bigger. So I had no choice but leave the six sorts of muffins and the eggs. A shame." He says almost upset. Charlie thinks it's almost.....amusing. Nikolai really is different than the tough guy he looks like.
„Uhm...I think I will be okay." Charlie says awkward.
Nikolai sits on the bed side. „Maybe I should have taken the muffins instead of the jam. Jam is so...stereotypical breakfast." He says in a low tone raising an eyebrow. „No no, it's fine. I'm good." Charlie says with a slight smile. Nikolai realises.
„You...smiled...it's...very beautiful..."
He says fascinated. Charlie roses and looks away.
„So you read?" She mentions to the bookshelf.
Nikolais eyes widen as he blushes in embarrassment.
„Well, sometimes if my time allows it. But if I do there's no end in sight. I wish I could read more. Reading is really rare these days. Many people rather hang before their phones and other devices. Well, how could it be different if consumption exists."
Nikolai says deep in thought. Charlie looks at his face taking in the flawless features. From his beautiful light blond hair to his ice blue eyes. His tanned skin stings the eyes out even more. His roman shaped nose is perfectly shaped from the side view. Charlie has to look away so Nikolai won't notice her observation of his face. „I used to read too. Before I got here."
She says to hide her embarrassment.
„Really? What kind of books did you read?"
Nikolai asks genuinely interested.
„It's stereotypical so you probably won't like it but I loved to read Stephen King Books. I had many books of him. Mostly of him, a few different too. But my father sold them..." She says with a gloomy expression.
„Stephen King? Really? The master of horror? Wait...what do you mean your father sold them?"
His smile fades as he hears the last sentence.
„My father sold all my belongings. And in the end...he sold me too." She says in a sad tone. Nikolai feels anger rise in him. „This mu'dak didn't deserve you. You will never see him again. He won't hurt you anymore. And my father won't too. I won't allow it."
He says determined while holding Charlie's hands in his gloved. „So let's eat Malen'kiy, I don't want you to worry any longer. I want your tummy to get all the good food I brought you here." He says soft and prepares a bed table for the both of them. Charlie nods slightly and fidgets with her fingers anxiously.
"You know, I could get you more Stephen King books if you want." Nikolai says as he takes a bite of a slice of paprika. Charlie grins at that and takes a slice of an apple. „So...what are we going to do now? Do you really think your father will except it? I mean I really don't want you to get into trouble....you and the Captain. Not for me. If you are genuine about all of this Nikolai...then you're a good man."
Nikolai looks at her for a few seconds and sighs.
„Charlie...I'm not a good man. I'm a bad man. I killed many people. Tortured. Manipulated. But I don't regret it, honestly. I always thought I'm better for not wanting to kill but...I'm just as bad as my father and the Ivanov's. I have the same sick mind. I'm a killer, Charlie. I did many horrible things to get what I want.
I thought you should know. I don't regret the kill. I only regret not knowing if anyone was innocent. That I killed somebody innocent who did nothing wrong.
I'm just as ruthless as anyone in this building."
He says serious. He doesn't look Charlie in the eye.
„But you're helping me. You got me out of that lab. You sacrifice everything to get me and the Captain out of here. You may killed, manipulated and tortured. But you didn't abuse anyone. You don't manipulate me. I can feel that you're honest. You're not as bad as you claim to be, Nikolai." Charlie says soft.
Nikolai is somewhat fascinated by her. He looks at her in thought and speaks after a few seconds.
„What do you mean, you can feel my honesty? How can you be sure?"
Charlie leans slightly forward.
„It's because of my abilities. You took off my chains, remember? I can sense feelings or if I am in danger. If someone is lying or truthful. And...I feel like that you're holding something back from me. So what is it?" Nikolai looks amazed at her. He thinks at the last sentence of hers. He realises that she has a brother after all. He forgot to tell her. Maybe now is the best time since she is some what a lie detector anyway.
„I'm amazed, Malen'kiy. You're full of surprises. I have indeed something to tell you. Please, drink something. I don't want you to choke here."
Charlie looks nervously at him and takes the glass with smoothie in it which Nikolai gave her.
She sips on it and her eyes widen.
„Wow...that's delicious..."
Nikolai grins while collecting his mind how to exactly tell her. „I had a meeting with my father yesterday and...well...he told me a few things about you. Where you are from, where you lived two years ago and that you have a brother." Charlie's eyes widen once again.
„How is that possible? My parents never told me about him...how old is he? Where is he? Is he alive?"
Charlie says upset while putting the glass beside.
Nikolai places both gloved hands on her shoulders.
„Shhh..I don't know about the circumstances just that you have a brother. His name is Silas. He has abilities too. In fact he's a member of the "commission". People with abilities live there, they're practically our enemies because...well let's say we're the bad ones and they are the good. And- Malen'kiy? Are you okay?"
Nikolai says softly to Charlie who is at the verge of tears. „It's just...I didn't know I have a brother...My parents never told me...I'm confused....why didn't he live with us?" Charlie says with tears falling down her cheeks. Nikolai puts the bed table away and sighs. He wipes the tears away with his gloved thumb.
„Malen'kiy, I wish I could answer this but...I didn't know before yesterday too. I only knew his name. Never his last name. He is now 30 I think. As arrogant as I think he is I still must say: He started searching for you right after they found your tracks at your house in Chicago. Unfortunately we...well my father found you sooner. And damn he hasn't stopped even after my father faked your death. He has send so many death threats towards us already...he really wants you back, Malen'kiy. And I will bring you to him, if that's what you want." He says while caressing Charlie's cheek with his gloved thumb. Charlie looks deep into Nikolai's eyes searching for any clue of a lie. But Nikolai is honest. „Thank you...that means much to me...but what about you? If they hate this institution then they won't be pleased about your sight...I don't want them to harm you...you did so much for me already." Charlie says concerned.
Nikolai chuckles and leans more forward so that their foreheads almost touch.
„Malen'kiy, I will be fine. You know, I have to tell you something else. I have abilities myself. Ever heard of Umbrakinesis? Well, I can control and manipulate shadows. I can also teleport through them and make myself invisible. And I can't see and speak to the dead." He says caressing her cheeks with his breath. It's minty, Charlie realises. She blushes slightly. „Umbrakinesis? Never heard of that...so you mean you will stay there too?" She says joyfully with her big green eyes. She seems a bit more alive, Nikolai realises. Their noses touch. „Only if you want me to of course..." He says looking down at her lips.
Charlie reddens. „I want you to...you would be safe too I'm sure...and the Captain of course too."
She says softly. Nikolai mouth nears hers.
Suddenly there's a loud knock on the apartment door. Charlie flinches while Nikolai groans in annoyance.
Both sit with space between each other.
Nikolai stands up and walks to his apartment door. He opens it and is met with Richard's face.
„Captain Richard, you couldn't have come in a worse moment." Nikolai says in an annoyed tone.
„Oh excuse me General, did I interrupt you admiring yourself in the mirror? Well sorry, I wanted to inform you that your father wants to meet you at one hundred hours." Richard scoffs with a raised eyebrow still having his AK CUSTOM in gloved hands.
„How's the girl?" Richard wants to step inside but is stopped by Nikolai. „She's recovers. But it will change if she sees your big gun, Richard."
Nikolai replies dryly with a warning glare.
Richard stops. „Well, then I'm leaving now. Don't be late, kid. This is serious."
Nikolai crosses his gloved arms. „Don't worry, I won't fail." He says with a determined tone, his accent once more even stronger than usual.


See ya ✌🏼

Have a good day ☀️/ night 💤

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