Chapter 18 - Home is Where the Heart is

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Smoke curled from the cottage's chimney, the squat building standing alone amongst scraggly trees. The changing leaves were a stark red against the clear blue sky, the horizon starting to blush with sunset.

Jate slowed his horse as he crested the hill, thankful he had the mare to carry him - she was barely out of breath, yet he knew from experience that no level of fitness would stop him wheezing up the slope if he walked.

He swallowed, painfully aware that every minute he paused was a moment Veanna remained in danger. With the mysterious involvement of the Order of Kysuk, there was no telling what could be happening to her.

If he could have fought forever, searching day and night, he would. Yet he was only human and had to stop somewhere, and here was as good a place as any.

He pulled his horse to a halt, sliding from the saddle and shaking his stiff legs. The mare turned her head to him and snorted. "Hush, Farilyth," he murmured, stroking her chestnut nose. "We'll carry on tomorrow, but we need somewhere to sleep for tonight. And you'd prefer to get lovely fresh food here rather than some stale hay from an inn, right?"

She huffed as though giving reluctant approval and stood patiently as he tied her reins to the nearest tree.

"I'll get you inside later, my lady, don't you worry," Jate assured her as he patted her shoulder, feeling the heat radiating from her muscles. "I'll make sure you're properly fed and brushed, I promise."

Farilyth gave a deep sigh and stretched out her neck, turning her attention to an itch on her ankle.

He gave her one last stroke before heading for the farmhouse's door. Straightening his jacket and brushing off the dust of travel, he rapped his knuckles against the wood.

After a few moments, the door opened and Jate smiled down at the man behind it. "Hello, Father."

The surprise on the man's rich brown face morphed into a beam, his cloud of greying hair springing as he practically jumped in excitement. "Jate, my boy!" His father pulled him into a tight hug, his head resting just below Jate's sternum and his arms squeezing Jate's hips. "I didn't know you were coming! Why are you here?"

"What, thought you'd escaped me for a little longer?" Jate grinned as he stepped out of the embrace.

"Well, you're a busy young man now - lots of responsibilities and duties." His father's gaze scanned Jate's uniform, lingering on the star pins of rank on the collar, and his chest swelled with pride. "I wouldn't blame you for staying away; Beyall must be much more exciting!"

Jate's pulled the door closed behind him, moving into the cosy house. "Yes, but it's been a while since I visited." He was heading south anyway, inquiring about any rumours of the Princess's whereabouts in every sizable settlement he passed. He targeted places such as the large town a dozen miles away, with a stream of travellers, merchants, and soldiers passing through from across Levea and the wider kingdoms. It was only a small detour to come home for the evening, and he visited so rarely.

"Will you be staying long?" his father asked as he chivvied Jate towards the blazing fireplace.

Jate was warm from the day's ride but knew better than to protest. "Only overnight, if you can have me. I can go back to Averlim if it'll be too much trouble." He gestured in the direction of the valley he had ridden through, and the village nestled within it.

"No, no, of course not!" his father exclaimed, "You're always welcome here."

"Thank you." Jate hadn't smiled this much in weeks. It felt good to relax, to be safe at home once more. For a few hours, he could share the weight on his shoulders. "If it's possible, I'd like to put my horse in the stable and give her some food."

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