Chapter 2: Echoes of Friendship

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As Fairy Tail witnesses Makarov incapacitated, their morale plummets, while Phantom Lord's confidence swells. Recognizing the dire situation, Erza takes charge and orders her guildmates to retreat, despite their reluctance to leave their fallen master behind. With a heavy heart, they comply, knowing that their safety is paramount.

Erza: "We must retreat for now. Our priority is to regroup and strategize."Despite their protests, Erza's firm persuasion convinces them of the necessity to withdraw. As they make their way out, Natsu overhears a conversation between Gajeel and Aria regarding Lucy's kidnapping.

Gajeel:"We've got the girl. She's going to lead us straight to Fairy Tail's demise."Determined to rescue their comrade, Natsu takes matters into his own hands, seizing a Phantom Lord member as a hostage.

Natsu: "Where is she? Tell me now!"

The Phantom Lord member, unwilling to cooperate, braces for Natsu's interrogation. With flames flickering in his eyes, Natsu employs his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, using the threat of his flames to extract information.

Natsu: "You don't want to talk? Fine. I'll make you talk."Under the intense heat of Natsu's flames, the Phantom Lord member caves, revealing the location of their headquarters.

Phantom Lord Member:"It's... It's in the outskirts of Magnolia. Near the old abandoned warehouse."With the information obtained, Natsu wastes no time and rushes off to rescue Lucy, his determination burning brighter than ever.

In the dim confines of the Phantom Lord headquarters, Lucy slowly regains consciousness, her senses reeling as she finds herself bound and imprisoned within the cold confines of a cell. Her heart pounds with a mixture of fear and defiance as she braces herself for whatever may come next.As the heavy footsteps of Phantom Lord's master, Jose, echo through the chamber, Lucy braces herself for their inevitable confrontation. Jose's presence looms over her, his demeanor oozing with arrogance as he offers her better conditions in exchange for compliance.

Jose: "You could have a more comfortable stay here if you cooperate, my dear Lucy."But Lucy's resolve remains unyielding as she demands answers, her voice tinged with defiance.

Lucy:"Why did Phantom Lord attack Fairy Tail? What do you hope to achieve?"With a dismissive wave of his hand, Jose brushes off her questions, claiming the attack to be nothing more than a temporary setback.

Jose:"It's merely a passing effect, my dear. A means to an end."But then, he drops a bombshell that shatters Lucy's world. It was her own father who ordered her kidnapping, using the destruction of Fairy Tail as a mere bonus.

Lucy: "No... That can't be..."The revelation leaves Lucy reeling, her heart torn asunder by the betrayal of her own flesh and blood. In a fit of rage and despair, she screams her defiance, vowing never to return to her father's clutches.Lucy: "I'll never go back! Never!"

With desperation coursing through her veins, Lucy devises a daring plan for escape. She requests to be released under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. Jose scoffs at her feeble attempt, but reluctantly grants her request, providing her with a simple bucket.Seizing the moment, Lucy feigns compliance, lulling Jose into a false sense of security. And when his guard is down, she strikes with all her might, delivering a swift and well-aimed kick to his most vulnerable area.

Jose: groans in painDoubled over in agony, Jose is incapacitated, providing Lucy with the opportunity she needs to flee. But as she attempts to make her escape, she is met with a chilling revelation - she is imprisoned in a sky prison, her only view the endless expanse of the open sky, mocking her freedom.

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