"Where the fuck have you been?" Nat asks as I walk into the lunch hall. "Em bathroom then chatting to ms Norbury" I reply avoiding the gaze of a certain plastic. She looks so fucking good now I can properly see her. "Right guys this is Brooklyn, Brooklyn this is the guys... meaning the soccer team" Nat wraps her arm around my shoulder as the girls all say hi to me. "So Brooklyn what position do you play? I'm Casey by the way" I look up at Casey and smile "striker what about you?". "Goalie, Iv heard about how good a player you are so I'm glad you're not a goalie and stealing my spot" Casey smiles at me as I return the smile. "That's if I even get on the team" I blush noticing how pretty she is. "I think you'll ... oh my god" a girl walking past falls slightly and spills a milkshake all over Casey's pants. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" she begins to help Casey wipe off the milkshake as I turn and look at the plastics table. Regina smirking at me before turning and talking to ... cady? What the hells she doing with the plastics? They are so not her people.

Cadys PoV

The girl and boy that helped me in French found me in the school bathrooms eating lunch. They showed me into the school lunch hall and pointed out all the different cliques, deciding who I should sit with. The jocks, the female jocks, the band freaks, the cheerleaders, the burn outs, the mathletes, the drama kids ... and lastly the plastics. They told me about the two sitting at the table. Karen shetty and Gretchen wieners, they explained they have a head plastic ... sort of like a leader and normally she's sitting with them but must be running late. We watched Gretchen gossip and Karen attempt to drink with her nostril through a straw. I asked to sit with them and thankfully they accepted but before we could sit down ... a blonde girl walked in ... wearing leather.

"You ... yeah you come here" she sits powerfully on top of a table and looks at me. I point to myself not quite believing she's talking to me as she uses a come here sign with her finger. Looking to my right I see Brooklyn come in and sit with the girl jocks. I look quickly at Janis and Damian who are nodding for me to sit beside them as I walk towards the plastics table. "Why don't I know you?" Regina asks me as Karen looks up at me clueless. "I'm new. I just moved here from Kenya" I reply clasping my hands together. "Shut up. Shut up" Regina smiles at me as I stand awkwardly at their table "I didn't say anything". "You're like really pretty" Regina says as Karen eyes me weirdly. "Thanks" "so you agree? You think you're really pretty?" Regina asks me whilst Gretchen watches her. "Oh ... I dunno" I start to panic under Regina's stare. "Your international and that's so fetch" Gretchen is cut off immediately by Regina who looks at the jocks table "what is fetch?". "It's like slang from an old movie ... juno or something" Gretchen panics as Regina glares away from us. "Have you ever touched a tiger?" Karen looks up at me with the same ... lights are on but nobody's home look "uh no, tigers aren't in kenya". "That's one of my life goals ... to not touch a tiger" I look at the girl confused how she's in this school. As a boy comes over to speak to me asking about my bra size. Regina quickly puts him down which I'm glad about. "Wow you're really gonna get noticed around here" Regina sits down beside the other girls as they all turn to me "right we don't really do this but your invited to eat lunch with us for the rest of the week". "Oh ...uhm ... that's ok" I go to reply but I'm cut off by Karen "on Wednesdays we wear pink". I nod as Karen scooches over to make room for me. "So ... do you find anyone cute yet?" Gretchen asks me as I take a seat. "Em ... there's this girl that I met and spent most of the day with" I reply fiddling with my fingers. This seems to attract Regina's attention "oh really who?" She looks at me intensely. "Em ... her names Brooklyn, she's been really kind to me all day and yeh" I see Gretchen look at Regina who looks over to the jocks table. Following her eye sight I see her looking at Brooklyn who is talking to a girl. "You just met this morning?" Regina asks stabbing a fry with her fork. "Mhm yeh" I reply not really understanding the sudden change. Regina turns around and talks to a girl for a second as a panicked Gretchen shakes her head at me and mouths no. Regina then swivels back around and faces me "Brooklyn is off limits". Nodding her head to the girl Regina was just speaking to... I follow Regina's line of sight and watch the girl approach Brooklyns table. She pretends to fall and drops a milkshake all over the girl who was just chatting to Brooklyn. I gulp turning back and seeing Regina smiling as Gretchen mouths 'off limits'.

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