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In this dimly lit chamber, the candles flickered, casting dancing shadows upon the layers of black satin enveloping her figure as she stood over the fallen man. The fabric clung to her form, accentuating every curve, as if the darkness itself had crafted her attire. The air hung heavy with tension, thick with the metallic tang of spilled blood.

Her piercing green eyes shimmered in the subdued light, reflecting an intensity matching the venomous edge of the dagger she wielded. The blade, meticulously forged and the handle carved intricately to resemble a sinuous serpent coiling around her fingers, seemed to pulse with a life of its own, its emerald eyes glinting with an eerie allure.

The man beneath her, weakened and prone, lay sprawled on the cold floor, his labored breaths echoing hauntingly in the room. Blood seeped from his wound, staining the ground in a pool of crimson despair. His gaze pleaded for mercy, but her demeanor remained impassive, a stoic mask concealing any hint of emotion.

As the man begged, a precarious dance unfolded between power and vulnerability. Mei Sasaki held the reins of fate in her hands, her dagger serving as an ominous instrument of both salvation and doom. The room became a stage for a macabre ballet, where she orchestrated every move.

In a moment of calculated precision, like a key into a keyhole, her dagger slid into his back. As she twisted it, she heard a satisfying click, sealing his fate. Amidst the silence, broken only by her heavy breathing, she hesitated briefly as her phone rang from the adjacent room. With a fleeting thought of her aunt, she pondered whether to answer or continue with her grim task.She quickly wiped the blood off her hands and rushed to answer the phone.


"Mei! How are you doing today? I hope you're taking care of yourself. Have you eaten? What are you doing right now?"

"Auntie, I'm fine, I've eaten and I'm working right now."

"Ah, that's good, that's good. Well, guess what? I have a surprise for you!"

Mei rolled her eyes internally. She knew what was coming next. Her aunt had a habit of setting her up on dates with men she deemed suitable for her. But Mei loved her aunt dearly but she has been getting too enthusiastic lately.

"I've arranged a date for you with a handsome and successful businessman. He has a good reputation and is quite well known, he's also very nice, perfect for a husband, no?"

Mei's heart sank as she heard those words. She had no interest in men right now, let alone going on a date with some stranger her aunt had picked out for her. But she couldn't refuse her aunt's requests.

"Auntie, thank you, but I'm afraid I can't make it tonight. I have some work to finish up."

Her aunt sounded disappointed, but Mei could hear the understanding in her voice.

"Of course, Mei! I understand how busy you are these days. But please, don't forget about our family values. You need a man by your side to support you and help you run your empire."

Mei felt a pang of guilt as she heard those words. Her aunt was right - she needed someone to help her with the day-to-day operations of her empire. But she couldn't bear the thought of sharing that power with someone else. She had worked too hard to let someone else take control.

As she hung up the phone and returned to the little murder session, Mei made a silent vow to herself - she would find a way to balance her love for her aunt with her love for her work. She couldn't let anyone else take control of her life or her empire - not even a handsome businessman handpicked by her aunt.

Mei gritted her teeth in frustration. She turned back to the man before her. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the knife flying across the room, shattering against the wall. "You heard that, didn't you? My aunt wants me to marry some boring businessman so he can help me run my empire. But I don't need anyone else by my side except myself .The man looked up at her with fear in his eyes as she continued to rant about her disdain for men and marriage. But Mei knew that she couldn't let herself get too caught up in emotions or relationships, and she had work to do. She left the room without another word, leaving the man to his fate as she headed out into the night to continue her reign of terror. But deep down inside, she knew that she would do anything for her aunt, no matter how much it went against her beliefs and values. For family was everything in their world, even if it meant sacrificing someone else's life for their own gain.

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