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As I peeked from the slight gap of the door, my heart raced, and my stomach churned with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

The room was shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the faint hum of the blood that dripped from the man's dagger. The air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood, and I couldn't help but wince at the sight before me. I fell into alexithymia without even realising.

As my father's breath finally ceased, the world seemed to stop for a moment, as if paying its respects to a fellow human being. The sounds of the city slowly returned, but everything felt different now. The speed and chaos of everyday life seemed insignificant and trivial compared to the brief and fragile existence of a single human life.

I felt a knot in my stomach, a mix of sadness, anger, and disbelief. Why did this have to happen? Who could have caused such harm to another person? These questions lingered in my mind, refusing to let me find peace.

As I slowly backed away from the scene, my eyes still fixed on my father's body, I realised that I had just witnessed something horrific and life-changing. It was something that would stay with me forever, but instead of fear and sadness, I felt changing the very core of my being. A fiery, intense rage surged through my body, fueled by a deep sense of hatred and the desire for retribution. The fury that took over me was primal and raw, a force that threatened to consume me completely.

With every fiber of my being, I vowed to bring justice to my father's memory, to seek out those responsible for his untimely death and ensure that whoever orchestrated this would pay for their actions. In that moment, I felt a newfound strength and resolve that I had never experienced before, and I knew that I would never be the same again.

The phone felt cold against my ear as I dialed the number for her father's right hand. "Someone broke in and killed mom and dad," I said, my voice monotone and devoid of emotion. "Please come as soon as possible." The phone call ended almost as quickly as it had begun, and I was left alone in the silent house, waiting for the everyone to arrive.

I looked over my parents' bed, once a place of comfort and security, was now a gruesome tableau. Streaks of crimson stained the sheets, and a deep, foreboding pool of blood had formed on the hardwood floor beneath. My hands trembled as I clutched the door frame, unable to tear my eyes away from the gruesome sight.

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A/N: How was the chapter??

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