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Laenara sat in her Aunt Helaena's room looking over the letter she had gotten from her Aunt Laena and her cousins Baela and Rhaena.

My Sweet Niece,
Your father tells me you all will visit. I do hope it is soon. Me and the girls miss you, come before the babe gets here, this is hopefully the last.

From Your Favorite Aunt, Laena

Laenara looked at the butterfly that had relaxed on her letter. "Do you think my mother will make me and my brothers leave?" Laenara expressed after being speechless for a while. "The rumors have worsened now that baby Joff is here."

"I hope not, my only friend would be gone," Helaena spoke softly as she always did. Glancing up at the younger girl they looked at each other for a little too long to be just friends. "You'll have Aemond to keep you company," Laenara muttered as Helaena's mother walked in. "It's not the same."

"What's not the same? Sweet girl." Queen Alicent chimed in as she set 3 cups of tea on the table. "Nothing Mother,"

"Is it time for our tea already?" The velaryon girl questions trying to change the subject.

"Yes, Aemond told me about what had happened in the dragon pit," Alicent let out, making Helaena look at her in confusion.

"For the love of the seven," The brown skin girl said while holding her hands to her face, making her words muffled. "I-I just wish for a dragon, your grace."

Helaena grabbed Laenara's hand while gently stroking her fingers over her knuckles, which didn't go unnoticed by Alicent. The same as Rhaenyra would do for her all those years ago.

Alicent sat her tea down as she spoke "You will have a dragon, many are left unclaimed."

As the princesses and the queen finished their tea a servant walked into the room making them all look at her. "Your mother wishes to see you, princess."

Laenara made her way to her mother and father's chambers to see them including Ser Harwin Strong waiting for her.

"We are leaving for dragonstone, ser Harwin is being sent to his home Harrenhal." Her mother spoke up Laenara looked over to see her brothers Jace and Luke sitting with tears in their eyes, "What why!" The younger girl nearly screams at her mother.

"I don't want to leave Helaena and Aemond."

"Nara, I'm sorry but we are to leave at noon go say your goodbye," Rhaenyra said while handing the babe to Ser Harwin.

"No! I will not leave." Laenara shouted tear making their way down her face. Laenara looked at her father for help. "Father-."

"Listen to your mother!" The young girl looked at her father in shock. He had never once raised his voice at her.

"You will go say your goodbyes, All of you." The older velaryon man spoke prompting all of the children to look at him.

Laenara lingered in the room till her brother had walked out before speaking again. "Are my brothers' bastards, is that why we are leaving?"

The adults in the room's heads snapped to the 9-year-old girl, "Why do you believe that my sweet girl?" Rhaenyra uttered, finally speaking up. "They look like Ser Harwin more than you or Mother, and I've heard the servants speak of it as well," Nara whispered while the adults in the room stayed silent.

"I shall say my  goodbyes to Helaena and Aemond." Laenara spoke as she quietly made her way out of the room.

"Nara, your back," Helaena says, pulling the girl onto the bed with her and Aemond.

"What is wrong, Lae?" Aemond asked, moving closer to the said girl. "My mother says that we are to leaving for Dragonstone." She whispered, plucking the skin on her nails making Helaena put her hand over hers, without breaking eye contact with her Laenara stopped picking at her nails, smiling at her friend.

"Will you at least visit or write?" Aemond asks. "Of course, I will." The younger girl leans over to wipe Helaenas's tears. "It'll be fine I'm sure I won't be gone long."

Laenaras maid walks into the room with Rhaenyra in front of her. "It's time to go, my love."

"I do not wish for you to leave Laenara." Helaena whispered as she held tightly onto the velaryon girl's hand. "I do not wish to go ither."

Laenara wiped Helaena's tears as best as she could before she slowly began to walk away from the sobbing girl.

-hurts to see my baby Helaena upset

-let me know what you guys think

-I'm in the mood to update and I have 4 new chapters per book and so ready to publish them

(770 words)

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