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Laenara's love for Helaena had never died even after all these years. Now both heavily pregnant women sat in the gardens watching Aemond with Aegon and Helaena's twins.

"Are you alright my love?" Helaena asked once she saw Laenara move around uncomfortably. "Yes, the babe's just kicking is all, my love," Nara said, kissing Helaena's cheek.

"He's a fighter, isn't he?" Aemond voiced as he lay next to the girls. Laenara winces as she tries to muster a smile despite the pain.

"She's is a fighter. I was thinking about the name Daenera." Laenara said emphasizing the she.

"He will be named Laenor," Helaena speaks up, a sly smirk rising from the corner of her lips. Aemond eyes (eye) his girls curiously, eyes flickering back and forth between them before turning away and gazing at the children.

Helaena sighs in soft adoration, "They're sweet, aren't they?" Laenara says, placing her book down and following his gaze. He hums in agreement.

"You are stressing?" Aemond asked as he gently rubbed her belly. "Yes, the maester said I should be due any day now," Laenara said, looking down.

"Your mother and Daemon shall be here before the babe comes," Aemond said, placing a kiss on Laenara's head. "How do you know that is what I was thinking of?" Nara asked looking up from her book.

"Because I know you, Nara," Laenara smiled at the boy's words. "What if the babe comes before they get here?"

"Then you shall have Aemond and I," Helaena spoke up, running her fingers through Laenara's hair.

Laenara stood up smiling and quickly came to a halt when she felt water run down both of her legs and a sharp pain in her stomach.

"Fuck." She whispered. Aemond and Helaena quickly stood up and rushed to the girl. They stood on either side of her helping her walk.

As Laenara flinched in pain, they both stopped to look at the girl. She hissed in pain, pushing herself forward. "Walk, fuck walk, come on."

This pregnancy was not kind to Laenara and there were days she wished her father was there to help her, but at last he wasn't.

Laenara sat up on her bed, her blood-curdling screams could be heard all over the Red Keep.

"Princess you need to start pushing," Her midwife spoke standing in between her legs. "I can't, I can't!" Laenara cried out.

"Where are they!" She shouted. Helaena stood beside her holding her hand as she cried out in pain.

Helaena too knew the feeling of childbirth and it was not fun.

Aemond stood quietly next to Helaena as he patted her head awkwardly. "Aemond, stop fucking patting my head," Laenara screamed before screaming in pain yet again.

Aemond looked at Helaena before he got up from standing and put himself behind Laenara. Putting her back against his chest and holding onto one of her hands, allowing Helaena to hold the other.

"You have to push, Nara!" Helaena said, squeezing the girl's hand. "I can't, I want my mommy!" She cried.

"The head, princess!" She pushed one more time then fell into Aemond. "I can't, I'm so tired," Laenara whispered fat tears rolling down her face leaning back on Aemond.

"My prince, if she does not push we could risk losing both her and the babe." The midwife spoke.

Helaena looked as if she could burst into tears, Aemond nodded at his sister letting her know he could take care of Laenara and she could go.

Aemond grabbed Laenara's face in his hand.

"Nara, if you do not push, something could happen to the baby, something could happen to you. How is Helaena supposed to live without you." Laenara looks at Aemond with tears and sweat on her face.

She took a deep breath and then pushed with every ounce of strength she had.

"One more push, princess!"

"A girl!" She held out her hands for the babe. A maiden wrapped the babe in a cloth before handing it to her.

"I told you it would be a girl," Laenara said, her voice raspy from crying.

"What is her name?" A voice asked, making them snap their heads to look at Daemon and a heavily pregnant Rhaenyra.

"You're here." She whispered before breaking out into tears. "I was so scared." Laenara sobbed into Rhaenyra's chest.

Rhaenyra bit back her own tears before gently wiping her daughter's tears. "You were strong, you are a mother now."

Daemon smiled at the sight. "Rhaenyra love, we should give them time." He spoke, turning to look at Aemond and Helaena who were standing by the door.

"Ahh yes, I suppose we can stop and see Father." The two older Targaryen Left the room leaving only. Laenara, Aemond, and Helaena and their new baby.

"What should we name her?" Laenara asked as Helaena whipped the tears from her cheeks. "Saelara, Saelara Targaryen," Helaena says smiling.

"It's a pretty name my love," Nara said, kissing Helaena. Aemond wrapped his arms around both of them and the babe who was still in Laenara's arms.

Laenara and Helaena quickly went to sleep after.

Aemond stayed awake watching Saelara, she was truly a carbon copy of her mother. Down to the bottom of her feet was a copy of Laenara, but her smile oh that was all him.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"You'll be a good father if that's what you are wondering," Daemon said as he walked into the room. "Thank you for being with her today," Rhaenyra said while looking at the baby in Aemond's arms.

"She is my wife, it would be dishonorable to be anywhere else."

-lmk what you guys think

-this takes place in the time jump between episodes 7 and 8

-Laenara and Helena's love language is quality time
Aemond and Laenara's love language is words of affirmation

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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