chapter 3 (edited)

Start from the beginning

"No, you're going to finish school in school where girls your age should be. I promised myself when mom and dad..." He trailed off.

"I know but, I've only got one semester left and then I'm done so what if I leave early and finish online. All I'm missing is some stupid ceremony that I have no one to attend anyway." I dropped my chin feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Hey, I'm going to attend and I'll be so proud of my baby sister for graduating unlike, her stupid older brother who-." He grasped my shoulders and forced me to look in his eyes.

"Had to drop out to support me, so now it's my turn let me help you." I pleaded.

"No, brat. You said it yourself there's only this semester left and you've come this far. You're going to finish and graduate with Jozelle, Audrey, and Maybella." He hugged me and I reluctantly nodded my head against his chest.

"Fine, but I'm not going to the stupid dress up part of graduation." He laughed.

"Yes, you are if I have any say in it because I want to dress up in a suit and dance with you to celebrate."

"Robbie, I can't afford a fancy gown and there's no way that is going to happen."

"I think it might."

"Fine, for the sake of argument let's say it does. Anyway, I'm going to make some dinner, you hungry?" I asked walking to the doorway and turning back to read his expression.

"I actually have to go to work right now, but save me some?" He checked his phone and then kissed my forehead striding by.

"Always," I promised watching him jog down the stairs and listening to the slam of the screen door as he left. Walking down to the kitchen I looked in the fridge for dinner options. We needed to go grocery shopping I thought deciding on a salad with sliced chicken. I pulled out the ingredients making enough for two people, one portion on a plate for me and the second in a resealable container for Robbie. After eating my dinner and washing the dishes I walked back upstairs heading for the shower.

Once I was clean I put my clothes on and decided to head down to the diner for a milkshake. Pulling my hair up into a claw clip I switched out the blouse for a hoodie. I slid my phone into the jeans pocket and grabbed some cash out of my wallet. Sliding my feet into the black ballet flats I had sitting by the door I left, locking the door behind me. It was early evening and still beautiful out so I decided to follow the route I usually walked and take the long way to the diner. I kept to the larger streets feeling this weird sensation like someone was watching me. I found myself turning back at random moments to make sure that no one was there. I never saw anything but the sensation was enough for me to walk faster. I almost ducked into the alleyway that held the shortcut to Mabel's Cafe and Diner before remembering what had happened the last time I used a shortcut. I shivered continuing on the side street and ducking around the final corner to Mabel's, the familiar building soothing my frayed nerves. I hastened to the front door and pulled it open breathing in the diner scent of coffee and burgers. When the door closed behind me I breathed a sigh of relief walking up to the counter and pulling out a stool I perused the menu for something to do, more than to actually read because I knew it by heart having been a waitress here for five years now. Sensing a presence in front of me I looked up. Sam smiled back at me.

"Hey, Sam slow tonight huh?"

"Yeah, it's not so bad." She pushed a stray curl from her blonde bob back from her face and glanced around. I followed her gaze hearing the bell on the door tinkle and a large crowd of teens walked in. "And now it's bad." She rolled her eyes.

"You alone?" I asked eyeing the crowd.

"Yeah, wanna grab an apron?" She wagged her eyebrows. I shrugged.

"Why not?" I hopped off the stool and walked around the counter tying the signature yellow apron around my waist. I pulled my hair up into a loose bun, instead of the clip and took a pad of paper and pen over to the nearest table.

"Hi, guys what can I get you?" I looked up to see a group of guys I recognized from school.

"How about you babe?" I narrowed my eyes on the jock I knew so well to be the biggest flirt this side of the border.

"Mmm... no. Anything actual food wise I can get you?" I shifted my weight to one leg and raised a brow in a sassy move. They ordered and I left placing the order in the window. The door rang again as I was moving to the next table and I glanced up greeting the group walking in. I moved past them and came to a table at the back of the restaurant. "Hi, what can I get you?" I looked up and gasped. My head turned and I looked around before swinging my gaze back to his. Troy and his gang were here, in Mabel's. "Umm... excuse me." I muttered striding away. Back at the counter I turned to Sam. "Hey, would you mind taking the table at the back?"

"Yeah, sure, if you take the new customers." She nodded at the group walking in. I inwardly groaned but nodded picking up menus and walking over. I couldn't help glancing towards the back where that group sat, Sam was over already serving them and I quickly looked away.

The rest of the night went by super smoothly, well sort of. Okay, so it didn't really because I kept shooting glances at the back booth where Troy sat unable to stop myself. Which was ridiculous because A. he'd abandoned me to a wolf pack, which I still hadn't figured out and B. I didn't know him. Somehow that continued to play on a loop in my mind, I don't know him; I don't know him. As if that would change the glances I kept throwing in his direction. As if it would change the almost instant attraction I felt towards him, that I didn't understand either. But right now wasn't the time to analyze it, now I had customers to serve and get rid of.


"Well, that's it. They're all gone." Sam locked the front door and threw her apron on the counter as I finished cleaning the coffee machine for tomorrow's morning shift.

"All of them?" I asked trying to sound casual not like I was looking for a specific someone.

"Yeah, hey and thanks for the table switch earlier, although I can't figure out why you'd want to serve dorky teens when that tall drink of water was here."

"Umm...I was just doing you a solid for tonight, for giving me the extra shift work." I answered sliding the rag over the outside of the machine and then taking the bus trays filled with dirty dishes to the back sink.

"You know that tall one with the green eyes was asking for you. He wanted to know what happened to you." I glanced at her over my shoulder before furiously scrubbing the dishes in front of me.

"Oh yeah?" I snorted acting indifferent despite the fluttering in my stomach that indicated something I wasn't analyzing right now.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have said anything except he was pretty persistent. Do you know him?" She pried.

"Something like that," I answered handing her the dishes indicating she should put them in the dishwasher to sterilize them. She rolled her eyes but obliged. "Spill girl." Her hip bumped mine purposefully.

"There's nothing to spill, I vaguely know him but not enough to have anything interesting to tell. In fact, I barely know of him." We cleaned for the rest of the time chatting about everything and anything. 

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