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Fortunately, at least Weiss thought so, time passed by rather quickly as a baby. All she did was eat, sleep, and stare at whatever alien visitor she had that day who decided to give her a visit in the nursery room of the Jedi Temple. Whenever she wasn’t sleeping off that rather delicious nutrient paste, Weiss’ ears were doing their best to capture everything, she needed more information. And that was how she found out that she had been kidnapped by an order of magical monks on another planet. Weiss had cried for an entire week after that, having the droid caretakers work overtime. It’d taken a few years, and slowly, but surely, the white haired girl had managed to get used to her new life. If Weiss was going to be stuck in a world full of aliens and magic wielding monks, then she might as well make the best out of it, and hopefully try to find a way to go back home, eventually.

“Close your eyes and focus.” Master Lonna Vash said softly, the sound of her black leather boots squeaking softly against the floor of the younglings chamber. “Your eyes can deceive you.”

Lonna Vash was the Jedi master that was in charge of training Weiss’ youngling clan in the creche of their temple on Coruscant. If Ruby or Jaune could see her now, they’d laugh and call Weiss a nerd.

“We must not trust them.” Master Vash continued. “Rely only on the Force.” It seemed a bit weird to say not to trust your senses but rather a mystical form of energy that was all around them, but who was she to judge? Aura and semblances would look weird to these people.

Weiss allowed her mind to go blank, her eyes closed shut. The ‘Force’ is what the people of this world called magic, even if it did seem a bit different from the examples from Remnant that Weiss knew about. She hadn’t heard of any Jedi gifting their abilities, or allowing someone to turn into a bird.

“Tell me what comes into your mind.” Master Vash’s voice was gentle, but firm. Weiss sensed that the older woman had stopped right in front of her. Using the lessons from her previous classes, allowing the Force to flow through her, Weiss remained a pillar of calm, even as she felt the stares of silver, amber and lilac eyes. Conceal, don’t feel.

“I see home.” Weiss admitted. She missed her friends and her family, even Jacques, somehow. She wished she could’ve slapped him one last time.  Weiss wished for a time where her home never fell, destroyed by Salem and her hordes of Grimm. It’d taken a year after her arrival to finally come to terms about it. She was five years old now.

“I see life.” Another youngling spoke up, the Pantoran with deep blue skin, Selang Heka, if Weiss remembered correctly. She was nice, but was still a child, and was rather immature. Not that Weiss was complaining of course, it wasn’t their fault that she was a grown woman stuck in the body of a child.

“Balance.” Paulan Fenfer said loudly, a human boy that was a year or so younger than Weiss. He spoke with a slight lisp. Weiss hadn’t gotten a chance to speak with him much, boys his age didn’t really care to be friends with girls.

“Peace.” Akicas Calwait whispered, yet was still loud enough for everyone to hear if they were paying attention. She was a Twi’lek, one of those aliens with two long tentacles instead of hair with light pink skin and matching eyes.

“Tell me the code of our Order.” Master Vash instructed, Weiss sensed her moving away to another row. Very reminiscent of her time at Beacon, spreading out the learning to all the students, not just one row of them.

“Emotion, yet peace.” The younglings chanted in unison, though some remained silent, not having memorized the mantra yet.

“Ignorance, yet knowledge.” This sounded more like a cult than an order of knights dedicated to protecting the galaxy, but that was just Weiss’ opinion. Seriously, did nobody even think how this would look to the outside world?

“Passion, yet serenity.” Less of the younglings followed along by now, including Akicas and Paulan.

“Chaos yet harmony.” More younglings stopped speaking, not yet having memorized the entire mantra. That was understandable, despite its simplicity at a glance, the meaning behind it could be complex, too advanced for children without any life experience. Even she was having difficulties with it, and she was technically on her second go around.

“Death, yet the Force.” Weiss was the only youngling to finish the mantra, slowly opening her eyes, blinking softly as she adjusted to the light. Master Vash was staring at her, along with a few of the other younglings. And she just stood out from the rest of the class, again. She couldn’t help, Weiss was a Schnee after all, and had about a twenty year mental headstart on the rest of the clan. Plus, she was just an academic overachiever, in this life and the last one.

“Good job, Weiss.” Master Vash said with a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She looked distracted, as if she was thinking about something else.

“Thank you, Master Vash.” Weiss bowed her head slightly. Her white hair was tied back in a ponytail, only keeping her bangs free. It was an easy way to practice some of the finer applications of this Force, and keep her hair in pristine condition.

Master Vash turned to the rest of the creche, her face indifferent which didn’t mesh well with her fake, small smile. “Don’t forget to keep up with your studies. I will be asking Master Tokare if the assigned readings are being completed on time.” There was a muffled groan, and Weiss resisted the urge to grin. Even in a cult run by telepathic space monks, homework was still a thing.

“Yes Master Vash.” The Rancor Clan said in unison, still seated on the floor on cushions. Weiss was glad she still had access to her aura, even if she had to keep it hidden in a temple full of telepathic monks that had plenty of other abilities. Too bad Myrtenaster was lost to her, it felt like a piece of her soul was missing, but Weiss was going to have to move onward.

At least laser swords sounded pretty cool.

Judging by how long this chapter took to come out, WOTOR lost to ASOWAF, but it was an extremely close race. Night_Stalker and I have plenty of ideas and plans for both stories, so they’ll be in the writing rotation.

As usual, I’ll try to use canon characters where I can, and OCs when I'm not able.

Omakes and OCs are appreciated. If we enjoy them and they don't interfere with the storyline we have planned, they’ll be declared canon in the sidestory thread. No guarantees, but its worth a shot.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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