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Mira's POV

17th July 2023

Last night I couldn't able to sleep due to the excitement that today is my first day at college. Finally I am going to college. Though I want to study outside this state but no, my parents thought that I am too immature for it and made me study here. So, I thought of taking my college far from home so that I could stay in hostel but no they also made me stay in home and I have to travel two and half hours to reach my college. My plan of leaving home already failed. Whatever my second and third plan is going to work for sure. Second plan is not to fall for anyone cause by this time I understood that love is equal to tears and it's not in my fate and third is to be the best in academics and everything. No matter what I will stay constant with my this two planning for sure. But what if... ahhh nevermind. Keeping this things aside I quickly got ready and since today is my first day at college my mom is going to drop me there.

After 2 hours I finally reached college. My hands are already shaking due to nervousness.  I completely new environment with completely new people. An unknown fear took over my head. Is everything going to be ok? I bid goodbye to my mom and entered the college. I walked towards the lift and saw three huge queue and some seniors managing the queue. I stood at the end of the queue. It's only 2mins and I am still nervous. Something heavy captured my heart and that question in my mind "Is everything going to be ok?" I was lost in my thoughts when a senior came and announced "BTech CSE first year students go to the 2nd floor seminar hall via stairs."  Suddenly the whole queue got disturbed and most of them started walking to a specific direction and I followed them. When I reached the 2nd floor seminar hall I was shocked to see so many people. I thought I came early but no. Whatever I found a seat beside a girl and sat there.

The girl seems to have attitude so I thought not to talk with her and concentrate on my phone. Now I am getting adjusted to this a little bit but not fully. Soon the orientation started with a speech from our HOD. They started talking about the college and the gems of the college. They told us about the syllabus and many more. A senior came to the row I am sitting in and said, "Please find your name and sign accordingly, if your name is not here don't panic there are more sheets." The boy sitting the other side of me took the sheet and started finding his name. I looked at that senior again. She is now standing there talking with another senior. And my heart skipped a bit. The moment stopped there. Then my breathing got heavier, and suddenly I filled like a cupid attacked me. And that's how quickly I messed with my second plan. That another senior just took my breath away. The way he is smiling... the way his eye are looking downwards... the way his hand are moving with his words and the way his hair is falling on his forehead. "Excuse me... excuse me", the voice bring me back to earth. I looked at the owner of the voice. The boy beside me was the owner. "My name is not here, check your name", he said. I took the paper and started finding my name and found it. I took my pen out and sign beside my name and pass it to the girl beside me. Then I again look at the place where he was standing but he is not there and I concentrate on the orientation. 

The orientation continues and our HOD told us to share any of our achievement. I don't know how I get such confidence all of a sudden and I raised my hand and our HOD cane towards me with a mic and I said "In school my team made a game and a management system as our project and the external praises us very much." "We are going to open a game development club soon right", he said and look behind and here he is. "Yes skepsis is working on it." He said and unknowingly I smiled. Skepsis is our college technical committee.  I knew I got my crush. I fall for that person. I don't know his name, his year, nothing... I don't even know whether I will be able to see him again or not. Then only thing I know is I have a crush on him and somehow I felt a connection with him.

The orientation ended and I got to know that we are going to have orientation class from the day after tomorrow.  We stood up to leave but some seniors told us to seat and leave accordingly so we sat and I saw a guy suddenly came and sat beside me and started talking with the girl beside me. Then he looked at me and said hi and I replied back with hello. "I am Ani", he said. "Mira", I said. "Hey there are no handsome senior here", the girl beside me said and I protested immediately.  "No no I saw a boy he is so cute", I said and Ani laughed a little. "Where? Oh by the way I am Sara", Sara said. "Here only", I said and then some seniors told us to leave we went out and stood in the queue as seniors are distributing food packets. A boy came towards me and said, "Hello, I am Prayan, I heard that you develop a game... I am also interested in game dev", Prayan said. "Oh that's great, I am Mira", I said. "So are you a dropper?", Prayan said. "No, you?", I asked. "Yes, actually I want to study at IIT but couldn't clear the exams so here. One of my school friend study here so", Prayan said and I saw that senior just passed by with hands full of food packets and soon I said to Sara,"Sara see he is the one." "He looks good damn", Sara said. "Who are you talking about?", Prayan said. "Ahh that senior who is giving the food packets. I think I have a crush on him", I said. "Ohhh damn, well since my friend is from second year I can ask her about him", Prayan said. "Oh yes please, that will be so nice of you", I said smiling from ear to ear. As the queue proceed I received the food packed from my crush and left.

When we all reached the ground Prayan said me, "So that senior." "Yes, that senior", I replied smiling ear to ear. "Well let me ask my friend", Prayan said and I was about to reply when my mom called me.

"I am waiting in the canteen... come when you are done", Mom said over the call and I replied yes coming.  "Ok bye guys... mom is waiting", I said as I  bid byes to them.

When I reached canteen I saw my mom sitting their scrolling on her phone but that didn't took my attention. The person behind my mom took my attention....

The person is ....

To be continued....


Hello readers! Hope you like the first part of this story... This story is my very favourite as it contains a secret which I will reveal at the end of this story.

You can definitely share your opinion here... I am waiting to read it.

And if you like this then make sure to vote, comment and share with your friends... This story is going to be more interesting and unremarkable ending so make sure to stay tuned...

Bye guysss

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 23 ⏰

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