CHAPTER 2: An Offer You Can't Refuse

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"Aah, where... am...I...?" Tomas silently said. "Your at Brutinc., thank you for the delivery!" A man in a doctor's suit is just standing in front of Tomas. He looks confused at the environment around him and questions what is going on. "I,I died! How am I here... alive!?" Nervously, he looks around him again; sweat is dripping from his rough skin and beard. The doctors stay silent and pick up a syringe. "Mr.Tucker, I hope you enjoy your stay." The doctor looks at him in a creepy way. "RAAHH, HELP ME!!!" He screams while the doctor slowly puts the syringe through his skin.

"So, if you are questioning who we are, well. We are the so-called BRUTES! An organization that will make the world great again.... by killing every last human on earth. The biodiversity and the ecosystem will finally be saved, and we will be the only people alive. Doesn't it sound great? But for that, we need an army of course, and how do we get an army? Well, money does the trick. We have 164 facilities worldwide where we train around 100 super soldiers. And how do we create super soldiers? With this serum, it maximizes all stress hormones, and we added some... I mean, much testosteron. You'll be amazing!" Tomas doesn't like it at all. "Oh yeah, your boss Burke is the reason your here. Just so you know." The doctor needs to giggle a bit. Tomas, in shock, grabs a pair of scissors from the doctor's table and stabs him with them. "You won't get me sh*thead!" He then punches the man, his bones can be heard breaking. "Holy Sh*t!!!" Tomas is surprised by the power the serum gives him.

He runs to the hallway to the right of him, where he can hear soldiers coming towards him. In a quick reflex, he goes to the room on the front left of him and jumps out of the window. *Shkling* Tomas gets a scar from the glass but just moves on. He finds himself on a high cliff in Utah. "Where do I go? Where do I go?! Darn it!" Suddenly, he hears cars driving on the other side of the heavily guarded road. And then... *BOOM* The building explodes. Gunshots can be heard everywhere. After a few seconds, a long silence falls. He hears footsteps getting closer and closer until a man in black with a black mask stands in front of him. Only a hole in the mouth area of the mask and the eyesockets are visible. He recognizes a black male behind the mask.

"What is your name?" The mystyrical man asks. Tomas replies, "Eehum... Tucker, Tomas Tucker." "You were taken by the Brutes; you are lucky we saved you. My name is Jonson, by the way. From the secret organization of S.W.O.R.D., and no, we aren't bad guys." Jonson takes out his phone and makes a quick call. Tomas, still confused and nervous, watches how Jonson talks to the woman on the other side of the line. Then Jonson puts the phone in his pocket and says, "Tomas Tucker, age 38, studied at MIT. You didn't get far; I mean, such a graduation, and still. So you had a truck accident, and the guy that hit you was hired by Burke. Quite a way to go down." Tomas, again confused, asks, "How do you know all this stuff?" "We are a secret service; we know everything."

Jonson gets back to his black SUV with his agents and grabs a pair of documents. "So, we have a question for you. As you know, you now have... superpowers, kind of. And since you are a perfect fit for a soldier, we may want to ask if you'll join us." Jonson pulls the papers in front of him. Tomas slowly takes his hands to the document, and with his shaking fingers, he clamps them in his hand. "Well, I don't have anything to lose, so... pfff... euhmm.... I'll, I'll take it." Jonson gets a smile on his face and takes Tomas to the car. "Welcome, to S.W.O.R.D., also known as the Secret World Operation Rage Department. Mr.Tucker."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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T.R.U.C.K.E.R. :Terminating Rage Utility Confident Key Elite Rare SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now