#5 - Lightning Arithmetic

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It was another morning in the competition, and everyone woke up after a tiring day. Of course, their morning routine went as usual, and they put on their provided sports uniform for the morning game. After breakfast, they were informed that the game will start at 9:30 which they had about 45 minutes left to spend in the dorm. Around 5 minutes before, they were right back at the dining room, ready to be taken.

Upon the minutes hand hitting the number 6, a male staff came out the door of the staff room, and took them to the game spot. However, unlike the previous times, the staff led them backstage before coming outside to a beautiful garden and swamp filled with various contraptions. When they arrived to the scene, they saw a huge slide leading into the swamp with a few audiences sitting on a little amphitheater. The students were then told to sit down in their special chairs in their team color.

A moment after, Lily and Hannah then came up the stage, and began introducing themselves. "Welcome back again to the third game. I'm Hannah and this is Lily.", Hannah introduced themselves. Lily then further explained the current situation, "So, both the red and yellow team got a strike each, but the black team has already gotten 2. So, if you got another one, black team, you're out." "With that aside, what game will we be playing this morning, Hannah?", Lily asked her while passing her the microphone.

After that, Hannah then explained the rules. "So, you'll be going along the slide that will have signs of 5 different numbers. What you need to do is sum them all up, yell out the correct answer, and a stopper will be placed at the end of the slide to stop you. However, if you either give the wrong answer or answered to slowly, you're having a bath in the swamp behind me. Rest assured, there are no creatures in there. Also, each player will be going twice, and each successful run counts as point for the team. And if you fail your first turn, your second turn is voided. Of course, the 2 teams with the least amount of point gets a strike." Upon hearing that, Alex was visibility nervous from his crippling arithmetic skills, and he had prepared himself to go in there.

"Green Team, prepare yourselves on the top of the slide, please.", Lily said with a devilish face while staring at Jamie. The first person going was Jamie which he was nervous about. As he was sliding down the slide, the area was filled with tension as he added up the numbers as fast as he could. "19!", he screamed after passing the 5th sign, and since it was the right answer, he was stopped by the staff.

For his second turn, however, he passed the first and second sign with ease. When he got to the third sign, he didn't see the negative on -2, so he interpreted it as a regular 2. "15!", Jamie screamed out his final answer, but he was shocked to hear Hannah say, "Sorry, boy. It was 13." Jamie then screamed and squirmed as he flew off the slide into the swamp. As he was submerged in the thick and cold swamp mud, he squirmed as he tried to make his way out of it. When he eventually came up, he was completely covered in a thick layer of liquid mud with bits of dirt and vegetation around him. It also smelled like compost which had a little stinky scent he didn't like. After a grueling minute of swimming back to the shore, he was all covered in black mud, and was told to sit by the shore as he was already dirty. After that, it was Alice's turn which she got the first one right, but the second one wrong which sent her to join her teammate. In total, the green team got 2 points which wasn't that good, but it could be worse.

Unluckily for Alex and Amelia, their team were second to go. Of course, Alex had to go first, and that was the time his arithmetic skill was put to the test. Unsurprisingly for him, the numbers flew by so fast that he couldn't even read them properly. "7!", he yelled out, but the actual correct answer was 10. He was then sent flying into the drink on his first attempt. Of course, the mud was thick, stinky, and cold just like the green team claimed which made him totally disgust it. After he surfaced, his colorful uniform and body were turned all mud-colored, except for his blue eyes that still survived. On the way back, Alex could feel his shorts slowly slipping off from the mud clinging to it. As he tried pulling it back up, more mud and vegetation got caught in there, making it way more uncomfortable. After he got to the shore, he then quickly pulled out the strans of algae in his shorts before sitting with the green team. Luckily for his team, Amelia was able to score a point in her first round, but ended up miscalculating it in her second round, sending her to the same place as Alex.

As they witnessed the Redwood team, the guy only got one right, and was another member to the swamp club. Meanwhile, his teammate managed to get 2 in a row, and was saved from going into the swamp for this time. Up next was the Silver Leaf team. Although they did terribly yesterday, today, their luck seemed to improve. Although the boy made it through unscathed, his girl teammate only got one right, and finally joined the club. Lastly, by some miracle, both students of Summer View school managed to make it through unscathed.

"Now, it's time to punish the failed people.", Lily said to the audiences which they seemed to enjoy. After the stinky students were lined up on a grass patch in front of the stage. Lily and Hannah then rolled out a cart with a dozen of eggs, and 6 fluffy cream pies. Going along the line, Lily cracked 2 eggs on each person's head, making them even more slimy and stinky than before. After that, a cream pie was thrusted to their faces, sealing their muddy face in it. As the students quickly cleared the pie off their faces, the audiences and the unscathed students laughed at their unfortunate friends. "So, for this challenge, since the blue team only got 1 point, and green team with 2 points, they will be getting their first strike!", Lily told the crowd. Although they were quite annoyed to get their first strike, they hoped they'd not be getting more any time soon.

After that, they were finally hosed down before allowing them to take a shower. As the students took their clothes off, they realized how much vegetation and gunk had gotten into their clothes before they quickly washed them off. Luckily, the mud was water-soluble, so no matter how thick the mud was, it could be removed, although same couldn't be said for their white shirt and underwear. After a comfortable shower, they then changed into their casual uniform provided from the camp.

Since it was only around half past 11 after Alex had gotten shower, he decided to go ask Summer View team's secret sorcery. As it turned out, they had been taking a mental arithmetic class in highschool, so this challenge was pretty much a piece of cake. Now that Alex had known their trick, they also want to know how it was to be submerged in mud. He then explained his genuine experience and thought, and they were quite glad they didn't fall in. After that, they ate lunch, and what will the afternoon challenge be? We'll be enjoying it in the next chapter.

End of Chapter 5

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