#8 - Slippery Tugging

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After lunch, it was time for another challenge for the students. At around 1pm, the staff guided the students from the dining room to the waiting room backstage. While the boys were instructed to change into their swimsuits, the girls waited in their sports uniform. It was just like in the morning, but the role was reversed. Since Amelia's hair was feeling especially sticky, she hoped that she'd not be getting dirty again.

Around 10 minutes later, all the boys quickly changed into their pair of swimming boxers in their team color. Moments after, a girl staff came into the room, and guided everyone onto the stage. Upon arriving, they saw a trail of foam pads leading into a pool with 2 dice on the side of it. Of course, more audience were present in the afternoon part, making it more nerve-racking.

"Well, hello! Welcome back to our 6th official challenge of the game! I'm Hannah, and that is Lily.", Hannah welcomed the audience back to the show. "So, we're still with our familiar 4 teams, but the red team was just on the brink of being eliminated.", Lily added, explaining the situation of the game. "Despite a rather confusing game from the morning, we have a rather simpler game this afternoon.", Hannah gave a little hint to the audiences. Lily then quickly said, "Right, Hannah. May I explain the rules?" "Go ahead!", she happily replied.

Lily then explained the rules, "So, this afternoon's game would be a little simpler. You'll be playing tug of war, but with a little twist. The girls will be rolling the dice to determine how far the boy get to be from the center, and to decide whether your teammate would be getting a punishment or a booster! For the boys, just be grateful of what your teammate got you, and just keep tucking the rope away. Your only objective is to pull the opponent into that pool of yucky rotten eggs. We'll be doing 3 rounds per pair; 2 out of 3 wins. The losers from both pairs will be competing, and the ultimate loser will be getting a strike!" Although Lily sound ecstatic, it was the complete opposite for the contestants.

"Well, the blue team will be facing the yellow team first, so please get into the position.", Lily commanded. The mentioned teams then went into place as the other team was set aside. The boys who were in their swimsuit were then told to stand on the foam track in the middle. The track was about 4 feet wide with 5 different colored spaces around 3 feet apart from each other which they weret told to stand on the middle one. Meanwhile, the girls were told to stand to the side of the track where 2 massive dice were. On one of them were numbers ranging from -2 to 2 while the other one were symbols of all kinds of stuff.

"For the first round, blue team please roll your number die.", Lily said before Amelia picked up the die and rolled it. The die showed the value of 0 meaning Alex would stay at the same place. For her second throw of the letter die, she rolled a pie symbol which was a pie in the face for Alex. Immediately, Hannah snuck behind Alex and gave him a pie to the face which was a rough start. Meanwhile, the other team rolled -1  which meant he had to walk a space closer to the pool of rotten eggs. For the symbol die, they rolled a pie which also meant a pie in the face for him as well.

"3, 2, 1, Go!", Lily exclaimed before the boys started tugging each other into the pool. At first, Ben was winning with his 2ft lead, but he was quickly overpowered by the opposing team. Suddenly, Ben was at the edge of the egg pool as he desperately trying to pull away. At last, it was no use for Alex as he was finally tugged right into the pool. The egg was completely disgusting; it was very slimy, and the texture was very yucky. After emerging, the smell itself csme into play, and it was even worse; very much like a rotten egg. As Alex was 'scrambling' desperately out of the pool, the audiences laugh as he did an 'eggcellent' job at humiliating himself. Anyway, he was finally able to get out of the pool, but looked like a big slimy stinky blob as a result. Unluckily for Alex, he'd have to stay like that until the end of the game.

For the second turn, Amelia rolled a -1 on the number die which meant Alex had to walk a space closer to the egg pit. For the symbol die, Amelia rolled a boot symbol which gave Alex a pair of grip boots for better grip of the floor which was a good thing. Meanwhile, the other team got a +1 on the number die which moved them a space further from the pit. However, they got a soap symbol on their symbol die which meant the boy's feet would be lathered with soap.

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