Thoughts of following him did float through my head, yet all thoughts were vanished when the bell of the door rung.

Four men stepped inside, they looked like teenagers, but they were still a lot older than me. I took one last bite of the crepe, the most delicious one in my opinion, then discarded the serviette in the bin nearest the counter.

For the next few minutes we walked around the shop in silence, both of us not acknowledging the other. It was only when I tried to leave that they looked down at me.

"What's a little brat like you doing here all alone?" The blonde teenager spat, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. I started to walk towards them, so I could touch one of them and use my power so they could leave me alone, but stopped halfway when I realised my dolly was still on Dazai's desk. How could I forget her!

"I was just leaving!" A fake smile grew on my face, and I walked confidently to the exit with my new jewel in my back pocket.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Not so fast brat. There was a blue jewel over there with my name on it, do you happen to know where it went?" One of the brown-haired men stepped in front of the exit, blocking my only way out.

"Nope, I didn't see a blue jewel over there. Now if you don't mind mr, I need to get back to my friends."

His eye twitched, but in the end he complied and stood aside. I walked past them, opened the door, the bell ringing yet again. By the time my foot had touched the ground of the alley, I was thrown up against the opposite wall, his hand to my throat. The other hand reached into my back pocket and took out the blue jewel.

"You didn't see it?" The grip on my throat tightened, but I still tried to shake my head.

"Ple- Please stop!" I croaked, my voice wavering because of the constant pressure on my throat.

"You lied to me brat! Didn't your parents ever teach you not to lie to your superiors!" The man spat in my face, it only made the tears drop quicker.

"I'm sorry!" The words came out as more of a grunt, the panic was really settling it now. Black dots started to cloud the corners of my vision, I could feel myself slowly falling to sleep, maybe this was what father saw before he went to sleep underneath the stairs.

"She's just a little girl, maybe you should go easy on her," one man said, obviously feeling some sort of sympathy for my situation.

"What a great idea!" In a split second my body was dropped down to the ground. The circles disappeared, but I was still gasping for air. Out of nowhere a hand came down and punched my cheek. This time a scream ripped through my lungs. It did hurt my throat, but hopefully someone would notice and come to save me. The boys went quiet, only my croaky sobs filled the silence of the alley.

"Ugh shut up brat!" Next his foot came slamming into my stomach, sending me flying further down the alley. A chorus of laughter came from the group, obviously something about beating a little girl up was amusing to them.

"Help!" I cried, the pain aching through my whole body.

"No one's going to help you now little brat," he grabbed at my neck again and I was lifted up against the wall again. This time I barely resisted, they were way to strong for me and I didn't have my dolly with me to fight back.

"Her name is Y/N, and she is not a little brat." Kyouka slipped out of the shadows and dashed towards the group of men. Following her came the other girls, Yosano at the front with a wicked smile on her face and weapons in her hands.

The man stumbled a bit after seeing the look on Yosanos face, but he then got ready to fight her, pulling out his own weapon with his free hand. Before facing Yosano, he gripped my neck tighter and threw me out of the way. A strangled squeal left my throat as my body came closer to the alley ground.

"Y/N!" Haruno shouted, but she couldn't run through everyone to save me in time.

"Don't worry Y/N, I've got you." Two arms wrapped around me just before I could reach the ground, it was Kyouka. I snuggled up close to her and she dodged her way through the people even thought it was a small alleyway. She handed me over to Haruno before returning to help Yosano beat the boys up.

"You're safe now Y/N, that's all the matters," Haruno hugged me closely, which I greatly appreciated. When I tried to say sorry to her, no sound came out. She shushed me immediately. "Don't talk Y/N, you'll only hurt yourself more," she warned.

It didn't take that much longer for Yosano to tear all of their nails off and make sure they would never hurt anyone again, and Kyouka was sneaking around the shadows, ready to pounce at anyone who posed a threat. Yosano finished up then spun around with a smile on her face.

"Shall we get moving then? We need to get Y/N into my infirmary as soon as we can." Everyone shrugged off the four men in the alley with their nails ripped out as we walked back down the streets to the agency.


The agency was quite quiet considering Dazai and Kunikida were in the same room, but it seemed as thought everyone was doing their work, or at least trying. As well all entered the main area, the boys took notice of the sour mood all of us were in. Yosano immediately ushered me away to the infirmary, Kyouka following behind.

"My my, you're going to have quite the bruises soon, I can already see them forming." She says my down on one of the beds, and starting checking my neck softly.

It didn't take long for Dazai to come bursting into the room. He stormed over to Yosano, Kyouka and I and looked at me with a concerning parent glare. I called it that because it reminded me of the face my mother and father would make when I'd trip over onto concrete, or when I got a cold after my mother told me to come inside multiple times.

"She can't talk at the moment Dazai, it will be too painful," Yosano commented.

"So then I assume you'd be able to tell me how the hell she ended up like this?" He asked, slightly infuriated at the sight of the bruises that had formed around my neck and cheek.

Yosano went on to explain in detail what had happened. From Kyouka and I going off to get crepes, to when she ripped off the nails of those men. 

"You should take her home to rest, make sure she has hot drinks and try to minimise her talking, okay?" Yosano instructed while also handing Dazai some type of medicine. He nodded intently, then picked me up softly and took my out of the infirmary. I waved goodbye to everyone as we exited the building, they all returned with a smile and a wave as well. 

"As soon as we get home you can go to bed, I'll make some tea for you, Yosano also wanted you to have some of this medicine and then you can rest for the afternoon." As a reply I nodded slightly, showing him that I understood.

We got home rather quickly, and I rushed into my bed to get comfy. Dazai came into the room eventually, holding a small cup of tea and the bottle of medicine. He placed the tea down gently next to me, and then gave me two spoonfuls of the medicine. At first it was quite painful on my throat, but the pain quickly stopped when I had some tea.

"Alright, you should rest now Y/N, I'll be just out in the lounge if you need anything." Before he left the room I leaned in and kissed his forehead, then lay down and tried to get some sleep.

My entire afternoon was spent tossing and turning, there was no way I could sleep with the uncomfortableness of my swollen throat. I didn't want to bother Dazai, he had done more then enough for me already. The sun was finally setting for the day, and so my body finally decided I was allowed to get some well needed rest.

A/N - So it's been a while... but I'm back with another chapter! I hope you enjoyed it <3

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