Hate ~ Ch4

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Yn absolutely hate Sakuna with all her heart. She was only ten and just trying to get through middle school, but Sakuna had been making her life miserable for four whole years ever since he moved in next door.

Yn sighed as she opened her locker, but it slammed shut again, startling her. She jumped back, only to find Sakuna standing there, his arms crossed, leaning against her locker.

"Hey, brat," he sneered.

Yn's heart sank at the sight of him. She couldn't stand Sakuna, not even more than she hated going to school.

"Are you angry, little brat, that I didn't save you from your abusive aunt?" he asked with a smirk, his words dripping with sarcasm. Deep down, though, he wanted to get under her skin.

Yn felt a surge of anger and hurt at his taunting words. "No, why would I expect you to save me when you both are the same?" she spat back, her voice trembling with emotion.

Sakuna poked his cheek with his tongue, the smirk on his face widening. "Got your tongue back to speak to me?"

Yn felt a surge of frustration at his mocking tone. She wanted to roll her eyes at him, but Sakuna's dangerous presence stopped her.

"Roll your eyes, I dare you," he challenged, his voice dripping with menace.

With a heavy sigh, Yn turned and headed towards the classroom, leaving Sakuna behind. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that lingered in her chest.

As lunchtime rolled around, something strange happened: Sukuna, the mean kid who usually bothered Yn, didn't bother her at all. No teasing, no paper planes, nothing. Yn was surprised but also relieved.

Sukuna was a bully. He liked picking on weaker kids, especially Yn. She was quiet and easily scared, which made her an easy target. Sometimes he'd even pull her hair or make her carry his heavy bag, just to be mean.

But today, he left her alone. It was a nice change. Yn often felt lonely because other kids didn't want to be friends with her. Even the teachers didn't seem to care when Sukuna was mean to her. To Sukuna, she was nothing more than a pawn to manipulate and torment at his whim.

The son of a bitch broke her leg and middle finger once. Sakuna would do the talking and then his friends would laugh at what she said which was not ever funny on her side then she would talk back to him which she don't know why she do. She's afraid of him and then he would become violent and maybe he can start with the beating.

Sukuna's brother, Yuji, was different though. He was friendly and kind to Yn. Perhaps it was due to the two-year age gap between Yn and Yuji, but when Sukuna was around Yuji's age, he still came across as an dickhead. Sometimes she wondered how they could be brothers when they were so different.

Sometimes Yn had to stay at Sukuna's house when her caretaker and maids were away. Yn made sure to keep distance from Sukuna as much as possible and stayed close to Sukuna's aunty, who appeared to be the only one little capable of handling him. Sukuna didn't like her being there, but Yuji seemed happy to have her around. Still, Sukuna always found a way to make her uncomfortable, like making her watch real based documentary movies late at night.

As the lunch bell rang, Yn let out a sigh of relief. Today might be a good day after all.


Loud voice's echoed through the cafeteria made Yn jump because of sudden pain in her body just as she felt something wet on her tied hair and she shivered at the coldness and then it ran down her face from her hair. Yn look up to see jogo, Yn was about to slap him in the face but then Sakuna appeared from behind him laughing. Yn shrink back a little then took up her bag.

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