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Angel held Lex close as they walked up to the hotel "You’ll like it here.”

“Are you sure anyone is going to want me here?”

“Charlie is great.” Angel smiled as he opened the door. “ She will take you in with open arms.”

Charlie looked to the door as it opened.” Morning Angel!!! Want some food there is leftovers in the.......” She trailed off seeing Lex behind him.”Who’s your friend?”

Angel smiled as he held Lex tight. “ This is Lex...”

Charlie Smiled. “ I’ve heard so much about you !!!! It’s great to finally meet you!!!”

“She needs somewhere safe to stay.” Angel ran a hand thru his hair... “She doesn’t need to be at the studio right now.”

Charlie looks at Angel, then back to Lex. “Well then lets get her in a room.”

Angel smiled as Lex clung tightly to his arm. “ she can stay with me.... after tonight she probably doesn’t want to be alone.”

Charlie nodded. “ I get that.” She tries to look away from the visible cuts and bruises on them both.... “ You two want some food?”

“I’m good.” Angel looked at Lex. “ You hungry?”

Lex shook her head. “ I’d rather have a bath and some sleep.” “ She smiled at Charlie.” No offense. “

“None taken.” Charlie Smiled. “ You two look exhausted so I fully understand. “

“Alright, I will get the water started, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Angel smiled as he headed out of the lobby.

Charlie sat down next to Lex on the couch, her hand gently brushing away some hair from Lex’s face. “You ok?”

Lex nodded, her eyes already drifting shut. “Just tired... thank you for helping me” she mumbled as her head fell onto Charlies shoulder.

Charlie smiled softly and let her stay like that, gently stroking her hair until the bath water was ready. She gently nudged Lex. “ Hey.... Lex...... Angel has the bath ready.”

Angel’s face lit up with a smile as he watched Lex slowly wake up “Here, let me help you up.”With a gentle touch Angel lifted Lex upright, supporting her weight as she stood on shaky legs.

Lex looked up at him, her eyes half lidded and glazed over. “Thank you, Angel,” she murmured softly.

“Anytime Lex,” he whispered back, leaning down to place a tender kiss on her forehead.

Charlie looked to Vaggie after Angel and Lex had left the room. " Did you see the cuts and bruises they had?"

Vaggies eyes softened at the mention of the cuts and bruises. “ Yes, I saw them. It breaks my heart to see anyone in that condition .”

Charlie sighed. “ I’ve seen Valentino angry at Angel before, he’s not a good person.” She smiled. “At least I know they are safe when they are here.”

Vaggie nodded understandingly “Yes, Angel and Lex are safe here.” She held Charlies hand tight. “Don’t worry babe, they will be alright.”
.............. .

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