Chapter 4. I Need To Calm Down

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Chapter 4. I Need To Calm Down

The week whizzes by. Time flies when you're having fun, they say.
By the end of it, Lauren is officially one of my good friends. But she really bugs me less than the others. I can't believe I hadn't met her before. She's exactly like me, just less dorky.
I think I need to tell Kartha the truth. I won't be mean about it, because she's a decent person.
Today is Friday, and the bell just rang. The usual weekend celebration occurs. I catch Kartha on her way out. "Hey! Kartha!" I yell. "What?!" she yells back and tries to run to me, dodging the stream of kids. I need to plan my words strategically. "Let's go to the park." I say.

It's this really normal park with a faded plastic playground and sandy benches. We used to come here all time when we were little and got blisters on the pole when we sled down it, thinking about that still makes me shiver.
We sit on a bench.
"What's up?" she says, "why the emergency meeting?"
"Kartha. You know how you're so jokey all the time? Can you not... do that?" I say cautiously.
"Yea! Sure! I really don't care." she looks really serious. "That's all you wanted to talk about? Big deal." 
I am so relieved. This is also a good example of who Kartha is. She's really teasing but also she can understand people's feelings very well. "Well, yeah, I guess I'll just walk home?" I say. "'Kay. Bye."

I text Lauren on the walk home.


victory!!! i talked to k about
the thing and she totally
understood! (ง •̀_•́)ง

She must be on her phone because she replies immediately.


yippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ٩( 'o' )و
good for u for telling her!!

I put my phone back in my pocket and continue walking with a smile on my face.

Chloe is in a mood, so hide out in my room. I listen to the Legally Blonde musical soundtrack, because my drama club is putting it on. I'm doodling when I'm supposed to be doing math homework, and I start drawing a picture of a girl.  I realize it looks like Lauren and I blush. Why? I don't know. She just looks like a generic girl. No offense. I mean, I think she's pretty. Ugh. Now I'm rambling.
I blush harder and crumple up the notebook paper, and throw it into my closet.
I'm a mess.
I do my homework really quickly so I can just lay on my bed and contemplate life. I scribble in the last answer and sigh. Why the heck did I get so flustered? Ugh, I don't know! I switch to my "chill playlist ⭐️" to calm down. CALM DOWN MINJI!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!
Chloe bursts into my room yet again. "MINJI! MACY'S AT THE DOOR!" she shouts. "Ok, ok!" I say, exasperatedly. I jump off the bed and run to the door. Macy looks serious. "Minji, y'know what you said to Kartha earlier?" My heart starts racing.
"She was really hurt by it. Y'know, the awkwardness of telling people not to do stuff?"
"Oh, yikes. Tell her I'm sorry. It really didn't seem like she took it that way when I told her."
"Will do. So... bye." Macy leaves. Classic Macy.

I text Kartha anyway.

hey um i'm rlly sry abt what i said
2day... i'm so sry if i was rude or
anything :(

typing . . .

k it's alright 

She's really hurt. I don't know what to do, this could ruin our friendship. Ugh. I have to big things to think about... I'd like to think I'm good at social stuff but nothing like this has come up since fourth grade.
Think, Minji, think! What cheers up/makes Kartha realize you're the best?
I know *evil cackle* oh I know all right.
I'm going to buy Kartha all the Twilight volumes. All of them. HARDCOVER.
I don't care if I spend a million bucks. If it heals our friendship... anything will be worth it.

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