14 - friend

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Well.... After crying my eyes out , i basically spent my day home . My mother had to leave for work and Michael have not returned which left my mother worried.

" food inna di fridge" she says but i rather order something or cook something else .

She mumbled grabbing her purse out the couch opening the grill to leave the house . Once she had left the yard slowly i went to my bedroom.

Changing into my house clothes, i began to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen before preparing food .

The cupboard had already been filled with food and tin cans of what i needed , so there was no reason to go to the shop.

I started by preparing my seasoning of choice which was the tomatoes, onion, tyme ,  skellion and garlic.

Cutting off the excess bad parts, i washed them off and cut them into small pieces for digestion , i began to put the pot on the stove with a little oil and let it get heated . While that was doing its thing, i began to grab a pot and fill it with water and placed it on the stove .

Mackerel and dumplings 🤤.

Searching around i found some green bananas and took out 2 cups of flour adding it to my pudding pan then the cornmeal , filling a cup with water i began applying little by little as i need the flour into its full potential.


Seeing the steam from the oil pot , i grabbed the cutting board with the seasoning and slowly went over the pot turning down the heat and used my fork to scoop everything in .

Hearing the roar of the hot oil , i stirred the pot about 2 times then let it stay a little .

The pot with water was already bubbling , so i sprinkled some salt into the water and then rolled the dumplings into a circular shape dropping it inside the pot until everything was finished.

Checking back on the oil , i stirred it a bit more then reach for the mackerel tin and open it grabbing a fork to scoop out everything into the pot .

Resting the tin on the counter , i grabbed the black pepper packet and opened it , using the fork to crush out the mackerel into fine pieces then used the powder over it adding the tyme .

Stirring it around , i closed the lid and focus on getting the bananas peeled and ready . Grabbing the oil bottle , i sprinkle some on my hands and began to peel it so my hands doesn't get stained up .

After washing them off , i added them to the pot and gave it a stir as well as the mackerel pot too which was already finished so i cut off the heat and let it cool down .

I went to the sink and washed off my hands Leaving the kitchen. I wiped off my forehead and sat down watching the outside .

Checking my phone seeing it was dry as a desert and nobody had sent me a text or anything rather .

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