8- step?

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Monday 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠• 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 23𝒕𝒉 • 2023

Tanya pov .

I picked up my speed trying to reach home early this time. My mother had taken the rules of me getting home seriously, so no more staying back for classes.

Sliding the bus door close , i walked down the road with my hand in one uniform pocket while the other clasped unto my jansport strap.

" wahmp likkle gurl", an older lady said while i passed by her shop.

I smiled and wave to her keeping my head straight the whole way home, really and truly old people mek mi smile enuh.

Reaching to my yard i held my head high seeing a group of men not too far sitting outside a bar .

Without a glance i heard them whisper and smile even without looking , seeing one of them run towards me blocking my path.

" yow pretty gurl nuh hear man a call yuh", he smiled but his breath stinks of weed and rum.

An him look like him cudda be mi bredda or worse uncle .

" excuse me " i said trying to go around him.

" weh yah guh? Nuh see mi wah talk to yuh" he says in a temper tantrum standing in my every move .

With a groan i pushed into his chest sending him a few steps back , his liquor spills over his polo shirt which got him angry.

" likkle bi-

He raised his left hand to hit me but another arm reached over grabbing it tightly.

Looking up from the guy there stood a brown guy but I couldn't remember his Name, heard people call him sani .

" yow sani weh yah do dawg?", the man asked .

But sani didn't look too happy .

" fuckery yah guh do now enuh tony , mek shi gwan dawg" he says pushing tony out the way.

i rolled my eyes walking with speed towards my gate , with one swift motion open and closed it seeing my mother and a man sitting on the veranda.

" good evening ", i said walking pass them both going straight to my room.

The moment i entered my mother was right behind me . Putting my bag in the chair she sat on my bed with her hands in her lap.

I knew she wanted to tell me something.

" the man out deso name Michael him a yuh step fada " she says then gets up to leave.

Honestly, there was so much going on I didn't know what to say after hearing that message. 

My father hasn't been around since i was born, we had it hard and now after everything mi juss fi get the concept wi a share di house wid a unknown man.

Author pov
It's now in the night tanya had already made dinner and was leaving to take a shower when she was called by Michael.

She slowly made her way into her mother's room, seeing she had nothing on but some shorts and her bra top.

" so yuh mada tell me boh yuh enuh, seh yah bright girl " he says sipping on a full cup of alcohol.

" come sit dung " he smiles.

Tanya slowly sits across from him using her arms to cover up herself.

" yeah she tell yuh boh me " tanya said feeling a little uncomfortable the way his eyes were wondering over her legs .

" suh yah how much?" He asked once more .

She did find this personal but let it pass due to him not saying anything so suspicious as yet.

" mah 16 .... But I'm still a child" she says with a chuckle.

Michael looks over at tanya with a straight face then sits forward to stare into her face .

" suh yah tek dick?" He asked.

Tanya immediately gets up from the chair and swallows a huge lump in her throat , pulling down her shirt before stepping out the room.

Closing the door her mother stood directly behind her with a suspicious look .

" weh yah do inna mi room?" She asked with attitude.

Tanya wanted to tell her mother about the things she had been asked but the way how
These cases are accurately reported as nothing made her feel trapped.

" juss leff mi charger in deh dis morning when yuh guh work" she says walking pass her mother .

" mek sure " she say's sternly before entering the room.


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