Act 2 Part 1: Found.

Start from the beginning

Eventually, morning came around, sooner than any of them had expected, but they still made no progress, finding no trace of the group anywhere.
"It has been hell trying to find them, but they should be somewhere close."
"Well, who knows, maybe we'll find them soon," Bonnie replied with a smile, looking over at Bill to reassure him.
"I hope so, I'm getting tired of all this searching," Russell sighed, stretching a bit to loosen his muscles.
"Yeah, I sure damn hope so," He replied, looking at them as they heard a horn honking.
"That's them," He stated as he parked their vehicle, turning back in his seat to look at the group.
"You three, come with me," He commanded, looking at Russell, Bonnie, and Troy.
Bonnie nodded, quickly prepping her gear as she followed Bill with Russell right behind her.
"So, what's the actual plan boss? I mean— there's no way they won't put up a fight," Russell questioned curiously as he held his gun firmly, ready to do whatever was necessary.
"No idiot would pull a stunt like that just to bring walkers, you only do that to bring them to you," He replied, looking at them as they walked towards the sound of an old gold and red truck.

As it came into view, the honking suddenly stopped and they heard screaming, Pete's screaming.
Bonnie's eyes widened and she quickly ran in the direction of the screams, her eyes filled with horror.
"That's Pete screaming!" She exclaimed, running as fast as she possibly could to see what on earth could be happening.
Russell followed just as quickly, but not for Pete, for Bonnie to make sure she didn't get herself hurt in the process.
Bill ran over quickly and saw the walkers just eating him as he screamed.
"I'm sorry we weren't quick enough," He spoke with remorse before shooting him between the eyes, reuniting Pete with Vanessa.
Bonnie covered her mouth in shock, breathing a sad gasp, shaking a bit at the sight.
Even though Russell doesn't care for Pete, he quickly shoots the walkers dead and comforts Bonnie.
"Hey, it's okay, he's not suffering anymore."
Bonnie teared up, trembling as she remembered how close Kara was to Pete.
"Kara's going to be devastated..."
"She'll be fine, she's tough," Russell replied before looking back over to Pete's corpse.
"Let's just hope the rest of them haven't turned out like this."
"He was bitten before we got here, it's a mercy," He spoke once more as he looked at Pete.
"He was a good man."
He looked down at his corpse once more before he took care of the rest of the walkers.

As they walked away from the scene, Bonnie sighed, taking a deep breath as she followed in tow.
"It never gets easier to deal with," She commented quietly, staring down at the ground with gun in hand as they walked.
Russell felt a bit of remorse seeing the sad look on Bonnie's face, sighing before whispering in response, "Well, think of it this way. Vanessa viewed Pete like a father figure, I'm sure they're catching up somewhere on the other side by now."
Bonnie smiled, hugging Russell for a moment before continuing to walk, happiness slowly returning to her heart.
"Thank you, Russell."
He nodded before taking in the surroundings around him curiously, thinking for a moment before speaking up once again.

"Hey, if we found Pete there, there's a good chance that there's clues nearby, maybe even a small base they made?"
"He had to be bringing the walkers towards him to protect someone," Bill spoke, looking down towards the mud, spotting a trail of footprints.
"Perfect, let's move. Everyone, follow the trail."
"I wonder if he might've been helping Sarah," Bonnie suggested as she followed right beside Bill, keeping a close eye on their surroundings.
"Pft, no way," Russell began as he followed behind the pair, glancing around the area before continuing, "Sarah would've been frozen in fear, she wouldn't have ran. He was protecting someone else."
"You never know," Bonnie shrugged, glancing back down at the footprints curiously.
"Although, the shoe size does seem smaller than Sarah's...that's odd," Bonnie commented before shaking her head a bit.
"Maybe her shoe size is smaller than I remember."
"No, this is definitely someone else's, Sarah would've left skid marks, it's definitely someone smaller," He replied as he took out his radio, holding it up as he turned it on.
"Troy, keep going with the truck."
"Maybe it's one of the dead?" Russell suggested, to which Bonnie shook her head, scrutinizing the tracks as they followed them.
"No, the footprints would drag more, looking more sluggish, these are clear footsteps of a living child, or an adult with very small feet," Bonnie replied, tilting her head curiously as they followed.
"They're trying to get back to their camp, and let's hope they make it back," Bill spoke as they walked.

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