Chapter 10

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The two women reassure and cling to each other throughout the entire evening. They try to keep it as lighthearted as possible, but there is always an undercurrent of nerves and anxiety. When it's time to go to bed, they opt to sleep in the guest bed since their sheets were so sweaty and messy from their... activities and distractions. This time, Lena is the one to wake up from a nightmare. A nightmare where Kara is tortured and killed right in front of her. She couldn't do anything about it since she was tied up and forced to watch. Kara is quick to wake her up and calm her down with whispers of comfort. They stay up well into the night until they could slip into sleep again.

Then, it's Kara's turn to be thrown into a nightmare. The masked villain is dropping her off the roof again and again. She can hear the villain threaten to attack Lena next, but she can't do anything about it. She's powerless. Lena takes her turn to comfort the love of her life. She holds Kara's head against her stomach and pets her hair lightly. She soothes her as Kara hiccups through her tears, promising that everything is alright because they are together and they are alive.

The night crawls by. It takes a while for them both to fall back to sleep after each nightmare. When Lena's alarm goes off the next morning, they both groan in complaint. It feels like they didn't get any sleep at all. They both have to force themselves to climb out of the bed and start to get ready. Neither of them speak, but the air is filled with an anxious energy. As they get ready, Kara makes sure that she makes coffee for Lena, and Lena makes sure to pack snacks for Kara. The only way they can function is to focus their energies on each other, taking care of each other.

Kara wordlessly holds out a tumbler full of piping hot coffee as Lena slings the bag of snacks over her shoulder. "Thank you, darling."

The blonde shrugs. "It's just coffee."

"Not just the coffee. For coming in with me. I- I know you think I'm overreacting, and maybe I am, but I would feel so much more comfortable if we had a way to protect you the next time this person pops up. I- I would just feel a lot better if we could figure out exactly what happened to cause this."

"Lee, what did I say about 'overreacting'?" Kara asks softly.

Lena rolls her eyes and grumbles, "That there is no such thing in this situation."

It brings a soft smile to Kara's face. She holds onto Lena's face with her free hand and pulls her in for a slow kiss. When she pulls back slightly, she rests her forehead against Lena's and whispers, "Exactly. While this may not be my first choice, I'm more than happy to do whatever you need if it brings you a shred of comfort. And you are right. We do need to figure out what happened in order to avoid it in the future. I- I don't want to put you through that again."

"I know, darling. I think it will bring us both some comfort once we get some answers."

"Let's go," Kara passes the coffee off to Lena and presses the button to open the elevator. They share a meaningful look that is filled with a combination of apprehension and love.

The CEO lets the hero climb into the back of the town car first and is quick to follow. They settle in, leaning against each other heavily. It felt like a task in and of itself to even leave the penthouse. They are still tired from the restless night. Lena starts going over the details in her mind, creating a list of tests she wants to run. She knows that she needs to check to see if Kara improved at all while laying out in the sun yesterday, but she does want to run a few additional tests for her current working theories.

By the time Lena's driver pulls up to LCorp, Kara is fast asleep with her head on Lena's shoulder. The CEO takes a moment to commit her relaxed beauty to memory before she shakes her slightly. "Kara. Kara, darling. We're here."

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