W.S. Definitely Not a Date Night pt. 2

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Sorry for making you wait for part 2, this took a second and I've been really busy. Thanks for all the reads. The next oneshot is going to be a sicfic requested by @starz_multi

What?   You thought. You guys had given up on truth or dare awhile ago, but now Walker was staring at you with his shockingly blue eyes and asking "Truth or dare?"

"What?" you asked, unsure where all this was coming from.

Walker looked like he was seeing though a haze, but at the same time his eyes were sharp and focused. "Truth or—nevermind," Walker cut himself off, not letting himself finish what you knew he was going to say.

"No, I heard you, but—" now Walker cut you off.

"Don't worry about it, I changed my mind. So, what do you want for the rom-com, or do you want to watch another action movie?" You frowned when Walker suddenly changed the topic, you knew that there was something he wanted to say, but you weren't good at confrontation and knowing when to press someone for details, so you let it slide.


"Ack," you said when the 2 main characters of the rom-com suddenly started having sex.

Walker turned to you, looking up from his BuzzFeed quiz results and joked "you didn't tell me this was a kissing movie!"

"You chose this movie, what do you mean?"

"Ugh, no help you are."

"Shut up," you breathed out between laughs. "Who did you get?"


"On the quiz, dummy."

"Oh, I got Sirius Black"

"No way, you're no a Sirius Black type, you know, Walker, you're a real Luna Lovegood."

"No way, if I'm Luna Lovegood you're Rom Weasley."

It was 1:30 in the morning you guys had been hanging out for over 4 hours, and you were now taking 'which harry potter character are you' quizzes while you made jokes about the rom-com; that Walker was pretending not to be really interested in.

You guys were now cuddled up, side by side, turned into each other so you could laugh at each other's answers to questions.

The movie was coming to an end soon and Walker seemed very happy about the main characters getting together (like they do in literally every rom-com, you don't know what he was expecting)

When the movie was over you went straight into a horror movie. You and Walker loved horror movies, you guys both wanted to act in one one day. You guys turned on Nightmare on Elm Street, which neither of you had seen before, and were really excited to see how it goes.

As the movie progressed you guys slowly sunk into the bed, by the time the movie was over you were snuggled completely into his side and it was 3:30 in the morning. Neither of you really wanted to get up, but you didn't want to make it weird and ask to sleep over, so you got up, popped a few sour patch kids in your mouth and started to say goodbye when Walker said, "We still have 30 minutes."

He stood up next to you and started walking with you to your room, you had no idea what he was doing. 

"lets do something fun," Walker said, "lets do some of those facemask things."

You knew Walker knew better than to call them 'facemask things' you were pretty sure he just really wanted to do one but wanted to seem masculine enough.

You went into your bathroom, Walker trailing behind like an exited puppy, and pulled out 2 sheet masks. You were saving the sheet masks for is you ever hung out with Leah and Dior, but you figured Walker needed this experience.


Turns out Walker is actually really bad at using sheet masks. He couldn't put his on without horribly wrinkling it and leaving air bubbles so you helped him. You were really glad that you'd put your sheet mask on first because you were pretty sure that you were blushing like a fool. Your hand ran over his face, over his cheeks, under his eyes, smoothing it out over his forehead. You hated how close you two were. You wanted to step back, get away, but at the same time you wanted to shuffle a little closer.

It didn't help that Walker kept making dumb jokes, which made his entire body shake with mirth, pulling his lips back into a smile. And now you were staring at his lips. Dangit

You and Walker were friends. Just friends. You weren't interested in Walker that way. You refused to be. But, you still lit up whenever you saw him. You laughed at all of his jokes, even the really bad ones. You blushed whenever your hands touched. And now you were staring at his lips. Shit. I love Walker Scobell.


Things didn't work out right away. Confessions never were really your thing. But, by the time your next movie night rolled around it was January 20th, you guys were internet sensations, you were crashing on the pullout couch in Walker's basement, and instead of saying goodnight, you said:

"Goodnight, I love you"

And, judging by the fact that you to are now dating, he took it pretty well. 

I know this is kinda short, but I was really rushed. I know that Queen isn't the most romantic music, but I love Freddie Mercury, so I had to fit it in somewhere. 

Thank you for all the love!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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