2 - Important message

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'I become insane with long intervals of horrible sanity'
-Edgar Allan Poe



Two – Important message

The room was well lit, and large. A long table was placed in the middle of the space, atop a dark red adorned carpet covering the polished wooden floor. A grand chandelier hang from the high ceiling. It held up to a dozen brightly lit candles, the flames flickered and danced within the glass casings surrounding them. Underneath, at the table, sat ten men. They all wore similar well fitted clothes, all black and white in colour. Jackets, shirts and waistcoats. Each held a golden pocket watch, tucked safely into their garments. These men were all at least in their mid-thirties, the oldest looking like he was pushing seventy. At the head of the long table sat the eleventh, this was Kramer. He listened to the rest of the people in the room talk. His hands under his chin, as his eyes darted from man to man as each one spoke up.

"The number of sightings have risen" One man stated in a low gruff tone, he was heavily built and on the shorter side, a monocle fitted over his left eye, and a greyish beard on his chin and over his upper lip. "More are coming through and we have few hunters to deal with them"

"Are you suggesting we find more Hunters?"

"What else is there to do? We have four Hunters in the whole city. If the numbers of demons coming through rise they'll be outmanned and we will have an even bigger problem."

"You're forgetting one is our secret weapon" Another man, much slimmer, his face and fingers boney chimed into the discussion.

"Secret weapon? That girl and her pet are out of control"

Kramer looked up. His brow furrowed at the mention of this particular pair of Hunters. He waited, and decided to quietly let the men argue before interrupting.

"I agree" Another, more average male with a brown goatee and curly hair said in an assertive tone. He pushed the gold brimmed glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "Three civilians have died on their watch, the most recent one was actually killed by them. Possessed or not our Hunters have the resources to save people who have fallen victim to such a fate."

"What do you suggest we do?"

All ten pairs of eyes in the room turned to set on Kramer at the head of the table. The man didn't flinch. He didn't move from the position he was sitting. His question silenced the room. One man finally decided to speak up.

"Discipline. We need to make sure there are consequences if they do something out of line"

"Agreed. We don't want our most valuable Hunter turning against us. What makes her our greatest asset can also make her a deadly enemy"

"You're right"

The room fell quiet again as Kramer spoke once more. The eyes in the room were fixed on him. No one spoke as he opened his mouth.

"However, that team of Hunters is my responsibility. I've spoken with her about this matter and made sure she understands it can't happen again"

"What about the long run?"

"That's a different matter. For now, it is understood. As for the lack of Hunters, get in contact with Prior. I'm sure he can help us with the matter"

"Prior?" One male spoke up in a questioning tone. "He's no longer affiliated with the Kramer Organisation. Why would he be of any help?"

"No longer affiliated or not, Marcus Prior was a Hunter. I'd say it's a good time to reach out once more, wouldn't you?"


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