"I-well-you aren't-"

"Hmm?" I looked at her confused.

"Yes.Please come with me Begum sahiba."

I smiled as I walked ahead placing the veil on top of my head with her following me behind. As we exited the guards immediately came behind me with the intention to follow me. I rolled my eyes internally. Since that day I never went anywhere without them. I promised after all even though it was in the influence of a toe curling orgasm.

I bite my lips sheepishly as the red slowly formed on my face.

"Assalamualaikum bhabijaan.Aren't you going to the inner court today?" Aaliyah approached me with her attendees behind.

Amongst all that mess the one good thing I did these days was finally taking up on my duties. I am still learning but I have taken up half of the responsibilities from the head servant. She didn't look half as happy as she did when she first greeted me though. Probably not liking the interference. But Sultan did tell me their financial quota was increasing day by day.

And when I did checked them out indeed they were spending more than it was necessary to spend. So the first thing I took over was looking over the financial records. Rest I am still working on slowly.

"Pranam nanadji. I am but before I will have to take a small detour."

"Oh! Where to?"

"The common ground? I need to meet Sultan. He is there apparently."

"Th-the what?" She and the attendees exchanged an uncomfortable glance.

"Is there a problem Aaliyah?"

"No! Not at all. Can I accompany too?" She smiled smugly.

"H-huh? I mean yes of course."

This mischievous little girl is surely planning something. She joined me in the journey walking beside me.

"You didn't meet them again did you?" Aaliyah voice was edged with worry and anxiety.

"My mother-in-laws you mean? No."

I didn't even look in that way. I am not making the same mistake twice.

"I-I am sorry if my mother s-said anything hurtful bhabijaan. I don't justify her actions but I am rather re-regretful o-"

"Aaliyah." I looked at her cupping her face in my hand. "It isn't your fault. Anything she does isn't your responsibility. So you don't need to apologize. Okay?"

This women! They have totally ruined their childhood and broken them beyond repair!

"Ji bhabijaan." Her eyes teared a bit.

I didn't say it loudly but I will provide you the love you deserve Aaliyah. I could never replace a mother's love but I will always be there for you.

I wiped the strain tear that left her eyes smiling at her lovingly.

"Now come on. I have some very good news to share with you both."

"Really? What is it?!"

"I will tell you both together. Let's go."

As we reached the said place the guards standing outside looked at each other in hesitation. I also looked at Aaliyah because something is definitely wrong here. Why does everyone keep exchanging glances!

"Announce our arrival inside to the Sultan.Make sure you announce Begum sahiba's arrival specifically." The girl from earlier ordered.

"B-but we ca-" one of them tried to say.

𝒀𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂 (𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖴𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖬𝗂𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗅𝖾)Where stories live. Discover now