Chapter 5: Lies

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It was time to visit Seo Changbin.

Felix didn't even think twice and that's how he found himself in the reception area of this huge building filled with offices and people running frantically around.

"Please, I need to see Mr Seo Changbin. I'm Lee Felix, Hwang Hyunjin's best friend. If you tell him about Mr Hwang he-"

"I've already told you sir. You need to have an appointment. I cannot-"

"Excuse me, Lee Felix?"


"Oh my God Lix! It's been years mate! How have you been?"

"I've missed you so much hyung, you left so unexpectedly that we didn't even say a proper goodbye."

"Don't worry Lixie, now that I found you I'm never letting you go! What brings you here?"

"I need to speak to Mr Seo Changbin but they won't-"

"Right. Come on give me your hand, let's go upstairs."


"For you to meet my cousin and best friend."

"Seo Changbin is your what?"

"Yes, he's both. Such a great honor for him."

Before Hyunjin knew he was back in the familiar car with Mr Kim being driven to Changbin's house.
He was too tired and the beautiful scenery only lulled him further into a sleep like state.

"Mr Hwang, you can sleep. Let yourself go. Don't worry, I'll get you home safe."

When Hyunjin opened up his eyes again he was in a huge pile of blankets, on the softest mattress he's ever laid on, the smell of warm, delicious food overpowering every sense of his.

"Slept well darling?"

"Changbin I'm so sorry-"

"You should be, not for what you think though."

"What do you mean?"

"How could you lie to me twice in a sentence Hyunjn-ah?"

"I- I didn't- what?"

"You told me you ate, first lie. Then you told me you didn't eat because there wasn't enough time, second lie. Is this a habit I should be aware of?"

"It wasn't-"

"You don't want this to be your third lie. I already know darling. Why didn't you tell me you couldn't afford to buy groceries?"

"Who told you?- I didn't want you to think I was using you... just for your money."

"A little bird, but isn't this what you're supposed to be doing? Your gain from this is my money, use it, don't feel bad you'd never be able to spent everything either way."


"No, your house is filled with everything you'd ever need. Tell your roommates there's no need to spend their money on food and other house stuff. I'll have them all covered okay?"



"Yes, okay. Yes."

"Great. Now come on, I have to force feed you."


"Because I need you getting on a healthier weight, I haven't been weightlifting for nothing all along."

Hyunjin was back at home.
The kitchen had never been fuller, that he'll admit it.
Now he has to find who talked to Changbin and what'd he tell him, his suspects were two but he was leaning towards the one with freckles.

"Who told him?"

"Who did what?"


"I don't know what you're talking about. I never said anything about food."

"Aha! Here it is! It's you!"

"How'd you know?"

"You idiot, he never said anything about who he was talking about nor what. Tsk, I thought I'd raised you better."

"Fuck! You're right Sung-"

"Fuck indeed and I'm always right."

"What did you say to him?"

"Look, for my defense I went there to see Bang Chan my best friend-"

"And crush."

"Jisung! But then I met Changbin who's his cousin and best friend so yeah, I- it kinda slipped."

"He's lying Hwang, he deliberately drove the conversation there-"

"Just please tell me he doesn't know about my sister."

"No, he doesn't. But Hyun, I had toctell him, I couldn't watch you struggling anymore-"

"I know, we're fine. It's all good, I would have done the same. He told me our food, for all of us, will be covered by him so there's no need to spent money."

"Fuck yeah! Please marry him, I need my tuition to be paid-"


"Please, as a wedding gift."

"I'm getting married and you're getting a gift?"

"So you are going to marry him."

"Ugh, goodnight babes I'm tired. See you tomorrow. "

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