"Logic be damned!"

he roared, his voice reverberating off the walls of the office.

"How can I think logically when everything I've worked for lies in ruins? Sia was meant to be mine, Jimin. Mine!"

His words were a bitter lament, a reflection of the shattered dreams that lay strewn at his feet. He couldn't comprehend how Sia could choose Jungkook over him, couldn't reconcile the idea that he had been bested by a mere mortal.

"She made her choice, Taehyung,"

Jimin insisted, his voice a soothing balm amidst the tempest of Taehyung's emotions.

"You have to accept that and move forward."

But Taehyung's grip on reality was slipping, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance and retribution. He couldn't accept defeat, couldn't fathom the idea of Jungkook emerging victorious in their twisted game of love and manipulation.

As the debris of his shattered ambitions lay scattered around him, Taehyung's resolve hardened. He may have lost this battle, but the war was far from over. And he would stop at nothing to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his.

Taehyung's voice sliced through the tense air like a knife.

"I won't accept it, Jimin,"

he declared, his words tinged with desperation.

"She's mine. She has to be mine."

Jimin sighed, his gaze heavy with concern as he regarded his friend. He knew Taehyung's obsessions all too well, understood the depths of his fixation on Sia. It was a dangerous game they were playing, one with stakes far higher than either of them could imagine.

As Taehyung's tears fell like liquid fire, Jimin's heart clenched in sympathy. He knew the torment that consumed Taehyung, the agony of unrequited love and the relentless pursuit of an unattainable goal.

"What do you plan to do?"

Jimin asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He braced himself for Taehyung's answer, knowing that whatever it was, it would be fueled by a potent mix of obsession and desperation.

A wicked smirk twisted Taehyung's lips, a glint of madness dancing in his eyes.

"You'll know soon enough,"

he replied cryptically, his tone laced with malice. With a swift movement, he retrieved his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, his command ringing out like a death knell.

"In my cabin. Now."

The words hung in the air, heavy with foreboding. Jimin's heart sank as he realized the depths of Taehyung's determination, knowing that whatever he had planned would only lead to further chaos and destruction.

man in the black suit entered, bowing respectfully before his master. Taehyung's eyes burned with a fierce intensity as he laid a stack of photographs on the table before him, each one depicting Jungkook's face in various angles.

With a cold determination in his voice, Taehyung issued his command.

"Look at this man carefully. I want you to kill him,"

he ordered, his tone dripping with deadly intent. The room fell silent as the men present absorbed Taehyung's words, their expressions devoid of any emotion. It was as if their souls had been numbed by the darkness that surrounded them, leaving behind only empty vessels ready to carry out their master's bidding.

The man in the black suit nodded in silent acquiescence, his eyes betraying no hint of hesitation or remorse. To him, taking a life was simply another task to be completed, devoid of any moral qualms or ethical considerations.

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