dad energy

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all credits to @/thugpugs4lrh on tumblr!!

Dad!Matt headcanons because he would genuinely be the best father in the world and I have baby fever 😋 No warnings! Enjoy<3


𐙚 matt sturniolo is 1000000% a girl dad. argue with a wall.

𐙚 he genuinely gets so excited when you tell him you're pregnant. he's always wanted to be a father, and now he gets to do it with the love of his life<3

𐙚 since multiples are genetic, you'd probably end up with little twin girls

𐙚 shopping for and decorating the nursery is probably the most fun you two have ever had together and matt definitely goes overboard with the toys and decorations

"matt, we have a lamb stuffed animal for both of them, babe"

"but this one has a bow"

𐙚 doing belly photoshoots every week and he always makes sure there's a photo of him kissing your belly because he wants your girls to know that he loves them in every way, shape, and form

𐙚 matt's the most supportive husband during labor; feeding you ice chips, wiping your face with a cool cloth, and holding your hand the whole time. even the nurses and doctors comment on how in love with you he looks and acts

𐙚 he definitely cries the first time he holds your daughters and he isn't ashamed of it

𐙚 "you're going to grow up to be just like me and your uncles"

"oh god, i don't think the world can handle that"

𐙚 when he does the dad walk out of the hospital carrying the carseats and wearing the other parents bracelet...

𐙚 having twins is not easy, but matt is so supportive of you and his babies. whenever they wake up in the middle of the night needing a feed or a change, he gently presses a kiss to your head and tucks in you, saying that he's got it

"you just rest, hun. they'll be okay with daddy for a while"

𐙚 matt always makes funny faces at the girls to make them laugh

𐙚 once they start getting into the toddler stage and are able to play with toys and stuffed animals, he gives them his stuffed animals from when he was a kid<3

𐙚 the twins look just like him with the same fluffy brown hair and bright blue eyes

𐙚 speaking of toddlers, the terrible two's aren't as bad when you and matt handle it together

"how did they get spaghetti sauce behind the refrigerator..."

"they take after chris"

𐙚 both of your daughters are so attached to matt. they love giving him makeovers, making him play barbies and tea party, and every art project they do in preschool says "to daddy!!!" in their baby scrawl

𐙚 matt never, ever raises his voice at them. he knows how bad it can feel to think someone's mad at you, even as a little kid, so he always uses gentle voices and soft coaxing when parenting

𐙚 they LOVE to color in his tattoos and "make them pretty"

𐙚 even though the girls are twins, you and matt both make sure to spend quality time with each of them

𐙚 matt is there for everything. he doesn't miss a single ballet recital, soccer game, or school fair

𐙚 he's not ashamed to do "girly" things either. he'll sit through manicures, hair styling, and come to every daddy/daughter dance

𐙚 "you're the best dad ever, you know that, right?"

"what can i say? marylou raised me well"

𐙚 you definitely have to hold him back the first time one of your daughters get their heartbroken

𐙚 matt never makes his daughters feel bad or weird when they start going through puberty. he loves them just the same and reminds them that it's totally normal. sometimes, he'll even bring them some extra chocolate

𐙚 both girls get matching tattoos with him on their 18th birthday

𐙚 matt would genuinely be the sweetest, most supportive father and husband. he always puts your and your daughter's needs before his own, because he knows he signed up for that, and he's glad to fill those shoes<3

sturniolo triplets imagines!!On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara