disgusting food roulette

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all credits to @/thugpugs4lrh on tumblr!!

Summary: Matt can only take so much of disgusting food roulette, but luckily for him, you're always there to help

Pairing: Matt x feminine reader

Warnings: Gagging, mentions of vomit/nausea

Word Count: 1.5k


If there was one video that was a 'must do' for content creators, especially YouTubers, it was disgusting food roulette. The reactions that came with the awful smells and tastes were sure to get tons of engagement and usually go viral as memes. Matt knew this, but that didn't mean he had to like it. He was so caught up in his own head that he barely comprehended exactly what his brothers were setting out. He was definitely a 'picky eater', and not in a typical sense. Matt was a picky eater in that if there was something he only slightly disliked in a food, he would gag and often throw up.

You could see the gears turning in Matt's head and you blew him a little kiss from out of the camera's view. Truth be told, you were a bit worried for your boy, especially after seeing things Matt despised like coconut water, pineapple yogurt, and a habanero pepper set out. You knew that he had 'had' to do the video in the sense that Nick and Chris would bully him relentlessly if he didn't, but that didn't mean you had to like it.

You listened as Nick explained how the app would decide who would eat what food, but all you could focus on was Matt. His anxiety was growing by the second, and it was becoming visible with the way he shuddered and steadied himself with deep breaths. All you wanted to do was scoop your boyfriend up and pepper his face with kisses, but you couldn't do that while they were filming since it would mean more editing for Nick, so you opted to flash him encouraging smiles instead.

"Let's begin!" Nick exclaimed happily.

Despite the giddiness in his voice and the way Chris was chuckling and getting Matt in on it, you had a deep feeling in your stomach that this could go horribly wrong.


So far, everything had been okay. The boys had been eating disgusting food and hamming their reactions up for the camera, but no one had been sick yet. That is, until they reached the coconut water. You could see Matt's breathing picking up as he practically prayed not to get the drink. Something about the texture, taste, and smell of it nauseated him.

Things hardly ever went the way he wanted them to, though, so of course he landed on it. Matt picked the carton up anxiously, sniffing it and trying not to gag. "I don't want to..." his watery little voice was barely audible, but you all heard it.

"You have to!" Chris cheered, unable to read Matt's worry.

"I don't wanna." Matt was practically pouting at this point, stealing glances towards you every few seconds.

"One sip." Nick promised kindly.

Matt swallowed down the worry building in his chest, lifted the carton to his lips, and took a large swig. Sure enough, he barely choked the liquid down before he was gagging, his face red and eyes watering. "I just threw up a little," he groaned, tossing the box into the sink. "Fuck that shit."

Your boyfriend made a great show of pretending to go to the sink, only to sneak around the island and wrap his arms around you. You let him lean into your touch for a moment, running your hands through his smooth, brown hair comfortingly. "You okay, bubba?"

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