the end

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all credits to @/hearts4chris on tumblr!!!

summary: y/n gets tired of going back and forth with chris, so she ends it altogether.

warning: angst, mentions of sex, suggestive, smuttish, hyperventilating/kinda panic attack?, communication issues, mentions of drinking, not proof read 😕

word count: 2,573

"get your damn sh*t together before you call me again chris"

you said, slamming his door shut and leaving him to sit there all by himself.

he'd call, you'd come over, he made you feel like you were worth the entire world, you'd f*ck, then you'd leave.

It was a constant cycle.

you were getting tired

he knew you had feeling for him, he'd tell you he reciprocated them. but did he really?

his actions never really showed that

it was always the same thing with him.

he'd call and you couldn't help but give in

he'd promise he'd be better

he promised.

but he never stayed true to those promises, did he?

you just wanted to be with him. to have a relationship with him. he made you feel so good, not just sexually.

but how could that happen when he would barely even speak a word to you in public?

when he didn't even introduce you to people, even as a friend?

when he didn't look your way or acknowledge your existence in front of people

he'd only treat you 'right' in his own home, if it weren't for his brothers knowing what was going on in the inside - they would've thought he hated your guts.

but when he treated you the way he did when you two were alone, how could he hate you?

how could he hate you when he'd just wanna cuddle after sex

how could he hate you when he just stared into your eyes, telling you just how much he loved you. when he tells you how beautiful you are even in your worst moment.

how could he, when he'd give you loads of kisses 'behind the scenes'

how could he when you sat there, letting him rant about his stressful day

how could he when you'd be there 24/7 to express your support, and always be by his side

how could he when you did everything a girlfriend should do

when he did everything a boyfriend should.

so here you were. walking out of his home, on the way back to yours.

your own home that you barely even spent time in.

I mean, you were practically living with the triplets.

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