Chapter 3

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Pov Lee know:
I walk out of the bus and see this guy, he looks amazing. He walks down the road.

Guess we are going the same way

There is some kind of pull towards him so I follow, I'm going the same way either way. He turn goes inside a cat cafe and goes directly to a black and orange cat. Cute.
I wait outside, just stand there looking through the window and feeling the bries It's not cold anymore. After 10 minutes he looks up at the clock and says goodbye to the cat. And I get an idea. The moment he walks out of the door I dump into him, he says sorry and tries to walk past me but I hold on into his arm. He asks to let go and I try but my body works on its own. He respites him self a bit more angry this time, he sounds tired. He grabs my jacket, now he is pissed but I can't help smirk when he makes eye contact. He is more handsome then I thought. He is like an angel in disguise. "Found you" I say when the realization hits him.

Pov IN:
We walk into this cafe Chan told us about earlier in the day. Apparently they have really good food here. But I don't like this place it give a weird vibe. Normally I try to avoid this place especially the people here, I have been here one time before because I felt this thug but got uncomfortable when the barista approached me and spoke in a different language. I told hyung about it but now he only jokes about it and tells me the barista is hot. I know he jokes about it, he would only fall for his soulmates after all I'm one of them. I tried to come back a couple of times after I felt the thug but it disappeared. But it's back, I feel it sometimes at the company but it's thin. But now.
We get seated and the hyungs all begin ordering in silence, they feel it too. I look around and my eyes land at a girl, I've seen her before at the company, she is always silent and distant, never makes eye contact, she raises her head. And I feel the hope and tension in me rise. She made eye contact and felt it the moment, here beautiful eyes. I was frozen in my spot and I think she was too. But something was wrong. She wasn't shocked, she was scared, I felt the emotions. She knew who we were to her all this time.
And then she ran. But she can't run from me.

I know who you are. I will give you time. But you are mine, ours.

Pov Alice:
I ran, memories flashing by from the moment people found out me and Alex sheard soulmates. The time I told her my secret, when she found out, the looks, the accident.

" why did you do that" I yell in her face. I couldn't believe it, she told them. "It's disgusting that's why" she said back as if it was the most obvious thing in the univers. I couldn't believe this was the same girl I grew up with, the same girl who punch an old guy for cat calling me when I was 7. The same girl I thought was me sister. "Disgusting? Do you know what you did? I was trovn out! Because of you!" I shout in disbelief. We were thrown out for fuck sake. "So what, a whore like you will probably find someone. Or will you be in an ally kissing your blood brother" she said in a teasing voice. I used to love her playfully teasing. But why did it have to sound like that, why did she use what I adored about her. She wasn't the best friend always using her religion to talk shit about me. Saying it was wrong to wait for my soulmate. Telling me to hock up with a guy. Being disgusted when I came out as bi. Her drolling over my brother, telling me how hot he is. Sometimes I thought she would rather be friends with him then me. The way she always made me play with Alex and his friends even if I didn't wanna to, just so she could be with them. That's why I told her. I wanted her to stop drolling, I wanted her to be with me.
But the news about him having 8 soulmates didn't change anything, she just told me that soulmates are just a something the univers tested us with to see if we could love somone else. But the news about me sharing 8 soulmates just made her disgusted?
After I told her everything went down. She told my adopted family that I was a slut with 8 soulmates, after that they threw me out so Alex confessed and left to. She also began spreading rumors about us telling people I hocked up with my twin.

____________end of memory ___________
After sometime I finally came home, I ran the entire way and I regret it my legs hurt. I opened the door, no one.
I took up my phone and texted Alex.

Blue code👥

After texting Alex I threw my phone and went to my bed, I didn't care that I was sweaty after my run away.
Alex and I have some codes if something happen, it's easier to be honest. Blue code is if we meet a soulmate and bond. Yellow code is if we know who it is. Red code is if she comes back and black code is for if I'm on my period.
Throw of my clothes take on my sleeping pants and a sports bra. And go to sleep. I can't deal with this now.

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